BMD Goes Rock Climbing and More

Today BMD enjoyed an exciting day beginning with rock climbing.

The walls looked just like gigantic boulders with smaller rocks protruding from all sides; it was incredible. The walls went up to the ceiling and in some places, we needed to climb upside-down! The boys loved it.

After that amazing trip, BMD piled back onto the busses and went straight to Liberty Pizza for an awesome lunch. There was enough pizza, fries and soda to feed a whole camp.

Then, BMD got back on the bus for a two minute ride to ShopRite. The entire store was taken over by the #legendary BMD.

It’s not over yet. Upon arrival back at camp, BMD attended Shtendik Club, to learn Chitas. After which was mincha, supper, and… wait for it… SWIMMING!

Today was 95 degrees in camp and after returning from a long trip, BMD needed a nice refreshing swim. It was great.

The list doesn’t end here. BMD even managed to add a few league games before bed!

What an awesome, epic, amazing, insane day it was; it was simply #LEGENDERY.

Roller Skating, Water Slides, Mini Golf and Laser Tag (Fifth and Sixth Grade Division Trip)

Another week, another day, and of course another trip! The fifth and Sixth grade division went on an unbelievable trip with many different parts! Firstly, the campers enjoyed a giant skate zone with flashing colorful lights, and the choice of roller skates, or blades! They played many games, from limbo, and a serious competition, to just simply skating, it was truly amazing! The next part of the trip were two three story high waterslides with insane drops and twists, that ended with a completing soak! The campers were even given cold water bottles during a heat wave between switching to the next activity which was mini golf! Boy was it competitive! Finally, there was unlimited laser-tag, which was definitely a highlight of the day! The trip ended with a scrumptious BBQ, Mincha, and then they were off to the busses back to camp.  Night leagues was also launched, which was an original change to the daily agenda! What a great way to start off this week in CGI!

Fast Day At CGI

Although was a fast day, it didn’t take away from the fun here at CGI. There was an unlimited verity of board games, which the campers enjoyed having some competitive face-offs. A video was constantly playing in the Shul, and snacks and drinks were available as well. When the campers headed to the Shul after an announcement of an in house entertainer, they didn’t know what to expect until they saw talented Michael Dubois, of the famous Solo Circus. The campers gasped in awe, as he tightroped across the room, and preformed unbelievable juggling, and unicycle tricks. It was definitely a show to remember!

BMD Launches Mivtza Shtendik

BMD has launched a new mivtza, “Mivtza Shtendik”.

The mivtza theme is, that being a yid is not something we do, but who we are. Whether we are learning, davening, or even playing sports by activities. (“We’re not the fans… We’re the players” as quoted in the video below)

This theme is brought out throughout their day, with a list of things that they must do, mark off, and turn in at the end of the day. Many parts of the mivtza are things they have never done before, for example chitas, rambam etc. Our hopes that they continue with all these amazing things after the summer as well.

For points earned throughout the summer they will be receiving amazing BMD prizes and exciting VIP BMD events.

Baruch HaShem the mivtza hit off with a boom! With an amazing video and slide show presentation (as seen below) the bochurim of BMD were jumping out of their seats to receive their duchs and are all waiting anxiously for their upcoming rewards and prizes.

We will IY”H be posting more about the mivtza as it comes along.