Grand Banquet

As Gan Yisroel came to a close the whole camp partook in a very emotional and inspiring banquet where all the awards of the summer were given out. There was singing and crying as campers and staff reminisced about the amazing times had together this summer. As the banquet came to an end the campers retired to their bunkhouses for the last lights out of Gan Yisroel 5777.

-Boruch Moshe Sherman

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Grand Trip!!!

With camp coming to end, camp embarked on an the grand trip of a lifetime, starting with delicious deli sandwiches served by our very own waiters, after which we made our way to an amazing waterpark. There were many rides and attractions all of different swimming levels and expertise. Campers and staff alike all had a blast. We returned to camp after an exhausting day of fun to get a good nights rest for the last few days of Gan Yisroel.

-Boruch Moshe Sherman

Grand Sing!!!

Color War was ended off with a fantastic grand sing. Worked on the whole day by the dedicated staff of each team were beautiful and intricate props. Whether it was an aircraft carrier- U.S.S. Eved Ne’eman or an interactive chess board with a working drawbridge everything was beautifully done. As the grand sing commenced there was the team songs, alma matters, comedy songs, grammen, tochen speeches, and much much more. The judges were meticulously dressed for the occasion in the fanciest penguin costumes available for purchase. It was a monumental and yet highly enjoyable part of the summer. It was ended off with some meaningful and intense words of Tochen from both generals and lieutenants alike, followed by the presentation of gorgeous banners painted by some very talented staff members depicting the tochen of the team in an artistic manner.                                                              – Boruch Moshe Sherman

Camp to Build Beis Medrash

2 donors are matching funds to build a Beis Medrash in Camp Gan Israel of New York to fulfill the Rebbe’s summer instruction.

“A camp from the outside and a Yeshiva from within.”

These were the words used by the Rebbe during a Shavuos Farbrengen in 1957 outlining the goal of the Rebbe’s newest organization, Camp Gan Yisroel.

Now, 60 years later, with thousands of branches around the world, the Rebbe’s vision for a place where children would benefit both physically and spiritually continues to grow.

In honor of camp’s 60th year, a group of alumni, parents, and friends have embarked on an initiative to build a permanent Beis Medrash – Shul to further enhance camp’s atmosphere with an added spirit of Torah and Chassidus.

The total cost of the project is $220,000.

Thanks to generous contributions by alumni and friends, a substantial amount has already been raised. Over the next 24 hours, they are running a campaign to raise the remaining funds.

All donations will be matched 2 to 1 thanks to the generous matchers who are camp alumni Simon (Simi) Jacobson and Yerachmiel and Rivka Leah Jacobson and family.

Gan Israel held a special place in the Rebbe’s heart meriting to be one of the only places the Rebbe visited outside Crown Heights. The Rebbe even expressed the sentiment that Kiryat Gan Israel is an extension of 770.

Please join in this special endeavor that is certain to bring the Rebbe much nachas at


Shabbos Chof Av: The Rebbe’s Father’s Yartzeit.

Tonight, 20 Av, marks the Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father. Watch a collection of videos related to this special day.

Tonight, 20 Av, marks the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father.

The Rebbe often spoke about his father’s self sacrifice on behalf of Yiddishkeit, marking the Yahrzeit each year with a special Farbrengen in his honor.

Here, JEM shares a beautiful collection of videos related to this special day.

May Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s memory bring blessings for the entire Jewish nation.

The public is invited to participate in the Melave Malka of the Yarchei Kallah this Motzoei Shabbos, 20th of Av 5777 (August 12, 2017), 10:30 PM at the Main Shul at Camp Gan Israel – 487 Parksville Rd, Parksville, NY 12768.