Traditionally each day campers have had the opportunity to wake up a little earlier before the regular camp day starts and participate in something called Cocoa Club. Taking place in the Shul, campers were able to learn Mishnayos Baal Peh and then get tested on the material learnt. To encourage the campers delicious hot cups of cocoa were readily available. A large general board indicated the progress of each camper. At the end of the summer prizes were awarded to a select few high achievers.
Introduced this year for the first time in Gan Yisroel has been a completely revamped Mishanyos Baal Peh/Cocoa Club program. The program builds on the regular MBP but revolves around a special MBP booklet with which each camper can track and view his current achievements whilst planning his next step. Each page of the beautifully designed booklet represents a level of the program. To ascend from one level to the next, campers need to fill the page with the required amount of MBP stamps. Stamps are obtained through attendance and participation in the daily Cocoa club as well as Shabbos afternoon with bonus stamps awarded for learning additional lines. Completion of a level also results in automatic prizes from MBP late nights, canteen credits to unique Rebbe pictures and small sets of Seforim. Already ten campers have worked tirelessly with learning more than 200 lines to go on to complete their first booklet! Additionally three campers have amazingly learnt over 600 lines in the short timeframe of only three weeks!
Besides for the integral focus on individual progress, any learning class who has complete participation in Shabbos Afternoon MBP is awarded an exclusive popcorn party the following week.
The new structure has led to an unprecedented amount of participation in the MBP program this summer with an almost unbelievable 98% percent of campers actively involved in the program. These hard working campers have already managed to learn over 17,500 lines in a short three weeks!
Kol Hakavod!
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