Week 6 in Gan Yisroel
This week was filled with exciting activities. Starting from Forest Laser Tag , to a grand concert by Benny Friedman, where campers were treated to delicious popcorn and cotton candy. A surprise awaited as benny performed together weith his Nephew and Staff member Yaakov Moshe Friedman.. It’s was a truly incredible performance. Then was the Staff Play, where campers sat in awe and amazement. This was truly a Mega Fun week !

Mikvah Monday in BMD
It was a beautful morning as every morning in Camp, but Monday mornings are quite different.. the BMD anthem playing loud, and BMD campers going to Mikvah. Aftewards, they were treated to fresh doughnuts.

Color war in BMD
A video was played in the BMD Zal when all of a sudden, COLOR WAR…
The campers were divided into teams and the Generals anounced, the campers got right into Color war mode, with team time to learn the team songs, and prepare for the skits and playes, this was a BMD Color War not to be forgotten.

BMD in Zoom Flume
BMD Joined main camp at Zoom Flume water park. Afterwards, the BMD campers headed to the Pavilion where they were treated to fresh and delicious Deli Sandwiches.

This sunday, the campers thought they were going to the 2nd activity, but they were wrong! Right after lunch, all campers and staff boarded buses and headed to Zoom Flume water park, which was rented out entirely for Camp. The campers and staff alike enjoyed the many slides and rides the park had to offer.