this week, the IHE was on another level. Campers gathered into the shul to watch the incredible performace by the Fire Juggler. Many impressive tricks were performed, which had the Crowd cheering in applause.

Parksville, NY
this week, the IHE was on another level. Campers gathered into the shul to watch the incredible performace by the Fire Juggler. Many impressive tricks were performed, which had the Crowd cheering in applause.
The fun in B.M.D. Never stops… Campers were in for a surprise when it was announced that there would be a grand event.. When the B.M.D Campers walked into the dining room, waiting for them were beautifully set tables, greeted with the aroma of fresh fried schnitzel, wraps, and toppings .. Each attending B.M.D. Camper received a fully loaded sandwich, B.M.D STYLE.
The campers of B.M.D. gathered in the Zal for a Grand Seder Sichos.
All the B.M.D. campers were seen learning with Lots of Chayus.
And to end it off, each attending camper received the prized B.M.D Donut.
B.M.D then boarded the buses heading to the Ohel. Afterwards, the B.M.D. Division headed to Rebbe’s house, and 770.
The day ended off with a B.M.D. exclusive Pizza Lunch
As the auspicios day of chof av bagan, the campers of B.M.D were seen writing panim as they prepared to go into the Ohel
This past erev shabbos, campers were seen making their beds, getting dressed in their finest attire, and cleaning their bunkhouses all in honor of Shabbos.