Night Activity!!!!

7:29 supper ends
7:30 the fun begins
Every night Zeesh and Meesh- our amazing night activity directors- lead the camp in their funny and captivating routine. From the beginning to the end the kids just cant wait for what will happen the next moment. With activities ranging from games shows to human startego, hypnosis shows and more.   Its no wonder that every kid loves zeesh and meesh and night activity.

Achdus day at Gan Yisroel!!!!

 The most amazing thing happened yesterday camp Lman Achai came for a visit to Gan Yisroel!! The day began with a grand lunch together during which we were addressed by campers from both camps. The real fun started with a carnival hosted by our amazing 6th grade campers. While BMD engaged Lman Achais Masmidim in an amazing game of football. But the fun didn’t end there we all gathered in Brooklyn Square for the most amazing BMX show by the Dialed Action Sports Team.But the fun didn’t end yet, we gathered in the shul where the top learners in both camps combined together in teams for a grand jeopardy game. What a day!!!


What started off as a beautiful fun day at the water park  turned into a seder niggunim at the park in the rain. Cgi is going places, we went to Zoom Flume an amazing water park, with its numerous slides, lazy river, and more. Towards the end of our trip the sky filled with clouds and rain began to fall, effectively closing the park for the rest of the night, but rain cant stop us and the most amazing seder niggunim formed in the rain!!! This will most definitely a trip to remember!!

be a trip to remember!!

Last Day of first session

“Your attention all campers and counselors your attention please, the 1st month is now over”.  Wow! How fast time passes when your having fun, all the fun,trips,friends,learning, and good times we had in camp have come to end. They were capped off by the most amazing last day with championships for every grade in both Kluger and sports, also a grand seforim presentation for all those that participated in MBP. To end the session there was a grand banquet where the best learner and best camper awards were presented. What a month!!!