Hundreds of visitors from around the world, including father’s and mother’s, brother’s and sister’s, bubby’s and zaidy’s uncle and aunts and others spent their Sunday afternoon visiting with campers & staff @ Gan Yisroel in Parksville, NY.
The highlight of the day was the grand dedication ceremony of a brand new bunkhouse on the famous hill in CGI.
CGINY’s Executive Camp Director Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov addressed the crowd, reminding them of the extra special connection & attention the Rebbe gave to this camp.
Afterwards, the red ribbon was cut and the Fellig brothers from Miami Beach, FL, Zalman & Shlomie, who dedicated the new bunkhouse in memory of their dear father R’ Yosef Mordechai ben Tzvi Meir OBM, were honored with affixing the Mezuzos on the 2 doorposts.
Following the ceremony the large crowd enjoyed delicious fresh donuts and soda.
While many campers & staff left campgrounds for the day, many others remained to enjoy the delicious food from the canteen, relax and picnic on the front lawn, have some fun on the lake and much more.
11:00 Camp Time (12:00 Eastern Time) visiting day officially began. Many parents came from the NY area and beyond to visit their children. At 12:00, a ceremony began for the dedication of a new bunkhouse. Rabbi Avremel Shemtov spoke how when Camp Gan Israel moved from Swan Lake to Parksville the Rebbe said that grounds belong to Merkos, and the keys are lent the camp staff. This land legally belongs to the Rebbe. The Rebbe also said that the land of Gan Yisroel is an extension of 770. He then spoke of the great zechus the Zalman and Shlomo Fellig have to be able to sponsor a new bunkhouse in the Rebbe’s camp. Camper Yossi Fellig cut the ribbon in front of the house, and the head staff, the directors and the Fellig brothers walked onto the porch. Each of the Fellig brothers affixed a mezuzah on one of the doors. In the meantime, a sign was put up dedicating the house to Rabbi Yosef Mordechai ben Tzvi Meir Fellig, the father of Shlomo and Zalman. The large crowd then enjoyed soda and fresh donuts.
Throughout the day, parents kept coming to camp. Many spoke to their sons’ respective learning teachers and counselors. A buffet lunch was put out in the dining room for all the campers and visitors to enjoy. In addition to the usual array of fine food available at the canteen, specially for Visiting Day, hot dogs, hamburgers, and grilled chicken wings were for sale the entire day. Camp T-shirt and caps were being sold in the main lobby. The camp video (to come out at the end of the summer) was on sale for $16.99, including free shipping to anywhere in the US. After camp, the price will go up to $20. The special sale price is still available, so order yours today! In lobby, an exclusive sneak preview of the video was being shown. There were paddleboats, bumper boats, rowboats available to be taken out by the lake. Many parents took their children out to the many attractions available in the area. All in all a great time was had by all.
Among our distinguished visiting day guests was former Night Activity Director Moshe Markel. First a game of “mummy wrap†played. Two teams of two campers were selected. One camper had to wrap his teammate entirely in toilet paper. The winner’s entire bunk got to play another game.
We wish to inform you that Sunday July 11 – 22 Tammuz is the first Visiting, between the hours of 12pm and 7:00pm city time.
If you wish to take your son off campgrounds, you must sign him out at the administrative office.
Please refrain from bringing girls Bat Mitzvah and over on grounds This will be strictly enforced!
We are pleased to inform you that we have made arrangements to have refreshments on campgrounds for your pleasure and enjoyment.
Suggested Tips:
Counselors: $25
Learning Teachers: $25
Waiters: $20
Please note our camp phone numbers:
Office: 845-292-9665
Fax: 845-292-4186
Directions: N.Y. Thruway till exit 16 – take 17 WEST until exit 99 – make a right for 2.5 miles – have a safe trip.
Wow! 219 campers at Cocoa Club Sunday morning! This is absolutely amazing! This is more than any other Cocoa Club, any other year in any other Gan Israel! One of the major incentives for the children to come was that every kevutzah that every member attended was awarded a special color picture of the Rebbe – never given out previously and never to be given out again! As I type this, I see through the windows the children running to the front lawn to one of the new gazebos where Moshe Frank and Menachem Benchemhoun are sitting giving out the pictures. A total of 18 kevutzah won. In addition to the color Rebbe picture, every single attendee was awarded with 1. a black and white picture of the Rebbe 2. a yellow 3. a ticket in a raffle for a fifteen-speed bicycle 4. a raffle ticket for a glass chess set 5. a raffle ticket for one of five mugs 6. cup of cocoa 7. a raffle ticket for a framed picture of the Rebbe 8. a Mincha Maariv 9. a leather band watch. Another important factor is devoted and creative MPB Director Moshe Frank, and persistent assistant MPB director Menachem Benchemhoun

On Sunday the 22nd of Tammuz, a dedication ceremony will IYH take place in Gan Yisroel, in Parksville, New York for a brand new bunkhouse.
The bunkhouse, the 11th on the hill in camp is being dedicated by the Fellig family in memory of their father R’ Yosef Mordechai ben Tzvi Meir OBM.
The ceremony will take place outside the new bunkhouse @ 1:00pm.

This Friday night the davening was absolutely amazing. Counselors, as well as learning teachers and general staff sang and danced with the campers throughout Kabolas Shabbos and Maariv. During the meal the campers watched in amazement and several kept count aloud as Head Counselor Yudi Steiner stacked up no less than thirty-four twelve packs of soda. He then proceeded to explain that this soda was sponsored by the family of Shmuel O”H Chitrik, who passed away going to Camp Gan Yisroel on the 20th of Tammuz, 1987. Every single camper (and staff member) was then given a can of soda. The remainder was distributed throughout the night. The singing continued late into the night.
The next morning we were up bright and early to get ready for the Shabbos morning davening. The campers davened with chayus and enthusiasm until the afternoon. We then went to make Kiddush and eat Seudas Shabbos. During the meal more songs were sung. After the meal there was a break until learning class/farbrengen. In honor of Shabbos the learning teachers were given chips and soda, to farbreng with their class. Learning class was followed by Seder Nigunim and Minchah. During Shalosh Seudos Night Activity Director Dovid Taub and Counselor Yosef Hott put on a hilarious rendition of “A Week in the Life of a Camper.”
After a smashing last-Maariv-of-the-Shabbos, the winners of Shabbos Completion were announced. The winners were Bunks Daled, Tes, Yud-Bais. The runners-up were bunks Chof, Chof-Alef and Yud. Due to the unusual chayos this Shabbos, in addition to the usual three winners (one from each division) and three runners-up, this week there were two bunks who got vouchers to ‘Chips and Dips’ (a local restaurant) due to their outstanding participation.

One participant of the Older Division overnight described the overnight as “smooth” everything went according to schedule. (I’m sorry I have no more information. I wasn’t there.) Over seventy (out of eighty) campers attended Cocoa Club Thursday morning AT THE CAMP SITE! After going to sleep who knows when!
Thursday afternoon the Younger Division went on their overnight. Bunks Yud-Alef and up went to a site far from camp. Bunks Alef through Daled camped out at “The Rebbe’s Forest,” a five minute walk behind the soccer field. The site has a little brook and a nice pit, surrounded by rocks, for a bonfire. When they arrived they set up their sleeping bags, then set off to collect wood for the bonfire. As the fire burnt, they listened to stories from the various staff members who were there. Between the stories they sang songs and ate hot dogs. Then they davened Maariv and went to sleep. Friday morning they woke up and davened. After davening they had a breakfast of scrambled eggs fried on a grill. They then packed up and marched back to camp. In camp they had a special activity, Challah Baking! Each camper got to shape his own challah.
From every learning class one student, who had good grades, and behaved well, was selected to go on a special trip of bowling! Mazal Tov to all the winners, and keep up the good work!