A battered-up Shnoozy declined to comment on tonight’s horrendous attacks. What started out, innocently enough, as a nothing-out-of-the-ordinary-exciting-night-activity, abruptly ended with a barrage of water-balloons from Gan Izzy’s staff, a sure sign of their discontentment with Shnoozy’s performance. The staff took this a step further, and continued on to force him out of his position as Director of Night-Activity. The ousted Director sat forlornly in the shadows, after disgracefully being lead away, following his attempts at overtaking Matcho-Pillow, the newly-inaugurated replacement. Despite shouts of, “We want Shnoozy!” and, “No! Don’t take Shnoozy away!” the Anti-Shnoozy League prevailed, declaring Shnoozy’s position as Director of Night-Activity at Gan Yisroel, a thing of the past. Evidence leads experts to believe in existence of mystery suspect who may have instigated the attacks, and may still be on the loose.
The geniuses of Gan Yisroel were put to the test today, as they analyzed carefully-prepared review-sheets in order to enhance and advance their knowledge of Reshuyos, Mivtzoim, the Rebbe, Brachos, and more, as the littler geniuses baked delicious golden-brown Chalos, filling the camp with a tantalizing aroma, physically and spiritually.
For, “Gan Yisroel is made from the best minds on earth.”
When campers are convinced there’s gonna be an overnight, there’s gonna be an overnightWhen campers at Gan Yisroel (especially the BMD) are convinced there’s gonna be an overnight, there definitely AINT gonna be an overnight; there’s gonna be roller-skating (or bog-war).
Skaters World Roller Rink opened its doors to a camp on wheels. Campers had a blast, or just plain fun (whichever), as the wheels spun faster and faster, and even faster, and even faster yet! Half the camp whirling ‘round and ‘round, like a counter-clockwise-washing-machine, is a sight to see.
Of course there’s nothing like an outdoor dinner with musical accompaniment to top it all off, as expected from the GREATEST CAMP ON EARTH.
The inspiration began days before, as learning teachers, counselors, and head staff prepared the children spiritually and emotionally for the crucial moment when they would be standing before the Rebbe at the Ohel.
Sunday morning, Gimmel Tammuz, the campers envisioned themselves at a private Yechidus with the Rebbe, each facing his pocket-sized picture, as they wrote their personal Panim to be read at the Ohel.
Donning the stunning camp T-shirts, the campers boarded air-conditioned charter buses, and headed for the Ohel, where the campers were given priority over the huge crowd, entering through an express lane, prepared especially for the Rebbe’s campers.
This was of course followed by an inspirational Farbrengen at Beis Rivkah, Crown Heights, where the campers were treated to a delicious dinner, raising their voices in song and hope to be reunited with the Rebbe, once again very soon.
The DEP would be proud. We are proud to proclaim the air at CGI fresh and pure, filtered by an astounding 179 air-purifiers, sponsored by the Fresh Air Foundation. Moishie Frank, CEO of the innovative foundation, knows what it means to bring Mishnayos Baal Peh to the next level, and he has done it once more most outstandingly. Wow!
Gan Yisroel is prepared for all situations, are you?
How about joining us in this crash course on survival, where we will learn and experience survival (how to survive all) under the expert guidance of our very own survival director, Gershon Sandler. Yes, you’ve probably heard of him before, maybe even more than once, or twice; ‘cause talent returns again and again at Gan Yisroel.
-Survival Crash Course-
Step 1: Don’t get lost.
Step 2: Don’t panic
Step 3: Breath
Step 4: STOP (Stop, Think, Observe, Prepare)
Step 5: Find/build shelter (includes proper clothing and outer gear and other suppliers of warmth)
Step 6: Build fire
Step 7: Find water
Step 8: Find food
Step 9: Stop stepping, this is not a dance
But of course, the crash course aint nothin’ like the real thing, where you can experience flint stone scraping, birch bark lighting, water crossing, and lemongrass tasting; yum! Gan Yisroel serves it gourmet!