Amazing summer news for 14 & 15 year old bochurim!

Camp Gan Yisroel NY, Lubavitch’s original and largest overnight camp, is proud to announce the opening of “The Masmidim”, a totally new and improved summer experience for bochurim ages 14 and 15. The program will be based out of the legendary “Turkey” section of our camp, but will extend far beyond with amazing trips and outings.

The Masmidim program will be headed by Yosef Kramer and will give your son the ultimate summer experience. Boys of this age are ripe for a full yeshiva program, complete with learning, and much more. The small size of our program (limited to 26) will allow for real individual attention to the success of your son’s learning skills. All this, while expressing their youthful enthusiasm in the likes of organized sports leagues, late night activities and of course weekly trips. The beautiful scenery of The Catskill Mountains provides for picturesque nature hikes, BBQ’s, canoe trips, overnights, and more.

In order for us to keep a high standard of our program we will be conducting interviews before accepting bochurim. If your son is ready for an unmatched Masmidim experience, if you want to give your son the ultimate summer of learning and a fun field experience in a Chassidishe environment, the masmidim at CGI NY is for you!

For more information please call the camp office at 718-774-4805 or email:

Registration forms can be downloaded at


Camp Gan Israel, Parksville New York Reunion!


This Motzoai Shabbos Kids and Staff members from this past summer packed into the Rosa Hall in Campus Chomesh, Beis Rivkah Lefferts for an unforgettable evening. The kids sat down at the tables with their counselors and fellow bunkmates to enjoy a Pizza and Fries supper filled with singing camp songs which brought everyone onto the benches!

Prizes were given out, staff members huddled together talking, campers excitedly and animatedly taking to their fellow campers. The gathered crowed was then treated to a very entertaining magic show followed by a video, ‘flashbacks’, of camp’s most fond and memorable, memories!

Published: January 29 2007

CGI Staff play

At last night’s Staff Play, campers were whisked back to the 16th century, to the times of the Maharal and his Golem. As the sinister plot unfolded, campers cheered, cried, laughed, and sighed, as the realistic drama took surprising twists and turns, until the unexpected finale, where the tables were turned and the plot backfires, amidst great joy and the hope that there will come a time when there will be no more pain or sorrow among the Jewish people, and we will be reunited in Yerushalayim with Moshiach very soon!