On Thursday, campers scratched their heads in confusion as coach buses pulled in to camp. “More Inspectors?” some of them speculated, but no, it was only GRAND TRIP!! As the buses loaded up for the trip to Lake Compounce, campers and staff alike were given bottled water and reminded about the importance of staying hydrated and sticking together so that no one gets lost. After an exciting bus ride featuring videos of skits put together by the Shmaryunkee (or Shmaryonky or… whatever) members, we arrived at Lake Compounce! This amazing amusement/water park was completely rented out by several frum camps, so we had the place all to ourselves. Campers had a blast, running from one ride to another stopping only for another cup of (free!) soda.
Between getting soaked on the water rides, bumped on the bumper cars, and swung about on the roller coasters, the campers just couldn’t stop having fun!