What do staff members and campers think about Camp Gan Israel? Here’s the stuff people say.
CGI Goes to Skate Estate!
This Monday camp went to an amazing place called Skate Estate. We posted an article and lots of pictures already, but here’s the video, made by our very own Mendy Soffer!
Over the Hills and Through the Rebbe’s Forest….
Today the campers had their first day of exciting activities in the New Grounds! Just a short walk past the soccer field and through the Rebbe’s Forest, is where the New Grounds lie. The campers played all kinds of sports there, including baseball, volleyball, and soccer. In between all those fun games, campers sat in the shade and drank lots of water to keep themselves hydrated.
Picture of the Day: L.D.M.A. Stops To Smell The New Grounds
Rabbi Zalman Kaplan Farbrengs With The Staff!
In honor of 12 Tammuz, Rabbi Zalman Kaplan from Montreal farbrenged with the staff of CGI.

CGI Director @ Work
N.O.D.H.A.R. and V.D.C.W. Catch Up On Their Learning