Color War! Part 1

After the teams were split up and the generals announced (Generals Shazi Perman and General Avremi Wolf!), we were underway with the best Color War ever. Heading to the dining room (which was transformed into a battle ground of  Red vs Blue) for lunch we munched on piping hot pizza and drank ice cold orange juice. ” Attention Gan Israel make your way for the Team Scavengers!” The dining room split up into 2 sides and the benches were lined around a stage, then we sat quietly waiting for the hilarious scavengers to begin.

Once the scavengers kicked off it was non stop laughing with Lt. General Chesky impersonating various members of the head staff on a lie detector. The fun continued with the next scavenger, a group of random people Shteible Hopping together! (ok so theres a rabbi, a rock star, and a airplane, they walk into a bar……ahahahahahah)

Stay tuned for many updates throughout Color War!

Campers Gone Biking!

Campers of Bunk Yud Bais were chosen to try out the new Biking Activity. Headed by E.C.A.D. Eli Lipskar and Head Counselor Nochum Shapiro the campers set out throughout camp each camper on his own bike, they continued into the Rebbe’s Forest following a special bike path.
Everyone was equipped with a safety helmet, knee pads and elbow pads!

Staff Play in Gan Yisrael!

Written by “Sold for a Danish”

Alright kids, let’s head to the soccer field for a nice game of… w-whoa wait! What’s all this? A pirate
ship? Fruit stands? What’s going on here? Alright, settle down and find a spot cuz’ you’re about to watch
the STAFF PLAY!!!! (I knew it the whole time!). Suddenly we found ourselves in old Spain
amidst Christians and Marranos. That’s right. The Spanish inquisition. But this time it wasn’t a story of
a man named Don Manuel who loses his children, gets tortured and then a tearful reunion at the end
bla bla bla (read: every single other inquisition story).

This time it was a tale of two Marranos, Gabriel
Rapaporto and Daniel Pallache, one a palace dignitary and the other a Jewish pirate who both need to
win a very profitable contract from the king. One needs the money to free his father, the pirate Samuel Pallache, while the other wants to help the Jews of Barcelona escape the Inquisition. The drama unfolds as the two fight for the contract until another man, Menashe ben Israel, discovers that they are both Jewish and unites them to a single cause that manages to fulfill both of their goals (much to the consternation of King Charles.

The story was amazing, and all the characters were actual historical figures (Abraham Zacuto, Menashe ben Israel, Samuel Pallache, Vasco da Gama, King Charles, and more!). The drama was epic, the stunts heart stopping, and the acting superb, with amazing props and truly breathtaking backdrops (see for yourself). This was a staff play CGI will hardly forget!