First Shabbos of 5775


The first Shabbos of the summer has come to an end, and what a Shabbos it was! On Erev Shabbos, after

the second activity, the campers were dismissed to their bunkhouses for cleanup. There was time to call

home and prepare for Shabbos and then came bedside inspection. Following a special Erev Shabbos

learning class came a lebedike Mincha and Kabbolas Shabbos.

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Camp Heads on First Trip

Skate Estate

The campers awoke Thursday morning under the impression that today would be a regular day in camp.

That was inaccurate. There is no such thing as a “regular day” in Camp Gan Yisroel. During breakfast,

they heard the exciting news that they would be heading on a trip to Skate Estate! Upon arrival, the

bunks were split into groups, with each group getting a chance to go roller skating, play laser tag, enjoy

the 2 water slides, and play a round of mini golf.

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Day 1 of Camp Gan Yisroel NY 5775 / 2015

Boruch Hashem for the 60th time, campers from around the world boarded buses headed for Camp Gan Yisroel Parksville NY. Fun, memories, and good times are all that awaits them there.

Many months of planning have gone in to creating the summer of a lifetime for these campers. Numerous programs have been added this year, being the 60th year, Mendy Cohen (head counselor) told us.

On their arrival the campers were welcomed by the staff, were split in to bunks and started to fulfill the very reason they have come: have a blast!

Departure & Arival1

The first full day of camp is behind us, and what a day it was! As the campers boarded the bus, said tefillas haderech, and sat back to enjoy the scenic ride upstate, a feeling of excitement and anticipation permeated each bus. Upon arrival, the campers were offered a refreshing snack and drink, and then proceeded into the spacious shul for orientation. HCs Chaim, Berel, and Mendy greeted them. After hearing about the importance of safety and the rules of camp, each camper was called up and introduced to his bunkmates. The cheers as each bunk was introduced to its counselors could be heard from far off, as each bunk looks forward to an amazing summer with their devoted and chayusdike counselors.

Following orientation, each bunk was dismissed to the hill, where their luggage awaited them, having been brought there by Gan Yisroel’s team of devoted and capable GMs, drivers, and general staff. Led by their counselors, the campers made their way into their bunkhouses, unpacked, and settled in.

Following the first of many delicious meals in camp, and the first of many camp bentchings, the campers proceeded into the shul. Amidst a bit of comic relief, it turned out that our Night Activity Director is none other than Shmoozel Leemanov! Hilarity ensued.

The first morning in camp dawned bright and sunny. Reveille was followed by a chayusdike lineup, shacharis, and a delicious breakfast. Following breakfast, the campers were introduced to Learning Directors Chaim and Eli Nochum and to their learning teachers. Following learning class were activities. Campers were taught the pool safety rules and enjoyed playing sports. After lunch and more activities came mincha, supper, night activity, ma’ariv and lights out. The campers drifted off to sleep, looking forward with excitement to what tomorrow has in store.

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