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Continue reading “Camp Gan Yisroel Begins Gallery two”Boruch Hashem for the sixty first time, campers from around the world boarded buses headed for Camp Gan Yisroel Parksville NY. Fun, memories, and good times are all that awaits them there.
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The summer has flown by so fast, all campers gathered in the shul for the farewell banquet where they all reflected on how good of a summer they had.
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Continue reading “CGI Farewell Banquet”As camp comes to a end we present to you some of the highlights of the summer all captured in the air, for fun is always in the air here in Gan Yisroel.
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Continue reading “Fun is In The AIR”A large pit was seen being dug this past Thursday afternoon near the soccer field of Camp Gan Yisroel – NY.
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Continue reading “Campers Enjoy Bonfire”In most camps, the day after Color War is a lazy day, with not much going on. But Camp Gan Yisroel-NY isn’t “most camps”, and the day after Color War was far from lazy. Early in the morning came the exciting annoucement that the Grand Trip would be taking place that very day, and grand it was.
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Continue reading “Grand Trip to Six Flags”For some, this is the reason they come to camp. For everyone, it is a highlight. Color War in Camp Gan Yisroel-NY.
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