After a very exciting Shabbos, campers and staff gathered in the shul for the reading of Megials Eicha, mourning the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash.
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Continue reading “Tisha B’Av”After a very exciting Shabbos, campers and staff gathered in the shul for the reading of Megials Eicha, mourning the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash.
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Continue reading “Tisha B’Av”Through out the Davening, learning, and exciting activities, the smiles on the campers faces are just to precious to ignore. For the fourth time this summer we present to you a gallery of your children’s smiling faces captured in black and white photography. Please enjoy.
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Continue reading “Black & White Gallery Four”Campers entered the shul for night activity and were surprised to see the french twins instead of the night activity director. Campers and staff sat and gazed with awe as the twins put on a spectacular show for all to see.
Continue reading “Twins from France”Campers were surprised yet again with another exciting activity, wine making. Learning from one of the best in the wine making industry, Aron Rosenberg of Ben Ish Winery. Campers were taught some of the Halachois of wine making, and the technique that are needed to produce delicious tasting wine.
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Continue reading “Wine Making”Today was a very exciting day in Gan Yisroel, for a very special activity was arranged, bounce rides. Every devision had a chance to play on the rides even getting wet for some of them, while the BMD devision had their own special activity of flower war.
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Continue reading “Campers Enjoy Bounce Rides”The summer is going by quickly, with the second month’s visiting day taking place today. The campers were visited by their parents, siblings and friends, who enjoyed many fun activities together both on and off camp grounds.
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Continue reading “Visiting Day”Friday being the first day of the 9 days, our creative staff came up with some fun water activities being that there is no swimming or boating. After activities campers returned to their bunks to prepare for Shabbos. Some campers had special messages for their parents.
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Continue reading “Erev Shabbos in Gan Yisroel”