Monday started off as regular as the campers adjusted into the bustling camp schedule thinking that the day would go as regular, but boy were they in for a surprise.
Continue reading “Monday in Gan Yisroel”Sunday in Gan Yisroel
Coming off of an inspiring Shabbos filled with MBP, learning, davening, and singing, camp started the new week with amazing chayus. Sunday was filled with non-stop fun. From the start of leagues, to the Shabbos competition trip, to an interactive night activity, where the whole camp got involved in a grand game of minute-to-win-it, where different tasks have to be accomplished in under a minute for your team to get the point. Stay tuned for more articles filled with the exciting happenings in CGI!!
Continue reading “Sunday in Gan Yisroel”GOOD SHABBOS
Day 2- Gan Yisroel Parksville
As the campers started adjusting to the bustling camp schedule, they were assigned to their learning classes in which they immediately started learning with some of the best and most dedicated learning teachers out there.
Continue reading “Day 2- Gan Yisroel Parksville”First Day in Camp
Camp started with a bang as the buses rolled away from Eastern Parkway on Wednesday morning as the campers headed off to the best summer in their life.
As they came into camp, they were greeted by warm smiling faces, and scrumptious danishes and cold milk, after which they headed into the shul for head counselor orientation and then divided into their respective bunks, where they were sent to unpack and meet their counselors (who are BTW, the best counselors camp ever had.) With a delicious dinner of (you guessed it) chicken and rice, they ate up and headed off to night activity where they were entertained by hilarious videos. Gan Yisroel’s first lights out went flawlessly as the campers settled into their beds after an exhausting day of fun. GOOD NIGHT GAN YISROEL and stay tuned for more exciting activities in the upcoming days.
~Boruch Moshe Sherman
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Time Flies When Having Fun

Our sages tell us that time flies when your having fun, apparently a lot of of fun was had this summer. Sports, water activities and biking in the Rebbe’s forest are only a few examples.
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Continue reading “Time Flies When Having Fun”The Grand Trip

Campers and staff boarded luxuries busses and headed to a indoor water park rented out by Gan Yisroel alone.
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