No words to describe what a memorable experience this summer has been…

No words to describe what a memorable experience this summer has been…
The Staff appreciation banquet took place Motzei Shabbos with speeches by Rabbi Shemtov, Rabbi Futerfas, and Rabbi Bukiet thanking each and every staff member for their tireless effort in making this summer run smoothly! Each staff member received their own customized Tefillin Bags with their names on it, as a token of appreciation!
As the busses pulled into the parking lot of Six Flags New England, the campers could right away tell it was going to be the grandest trip of all because of the sky high roller coaster and sweeping waterslides in the distance. The first half began with a huge selection of heavily thrilling water rides, and pools, following a delicious pre-packaged dinner! Next section of the trip was the parks famous rollercoasters, rides and arcades which the camp definitely took advantage of specifically because of the short lines! After arriving back in the wee hours of the morning, the campers headed off to bed chattering about the grandest trip of all, having no idea that the next day was going to be even more crazy then they just experienced.
As soon as Color War was broken out the excitement rose to the skies. The generals were announced, and the shirts were led in amongst the hundreds of campers cheering, and the atmosphere was unreal. Everyone got to work quickly. The song was taught with smashing Chayus, the skits were preformed, and the plays were being prepared for. As the curtains were drawn, the campers watched in awe at the amazing Toichen packed plays of each team! The next day was jam packed! The Grand Sing prep lasted all day long, from costumes and props, to building and performance! It was sure one to remember! There was a magnificent life-sized replica of the Beis Hamkidosh, and the Kohanim (The Staff) Walked out through giant mock copper doors. Next they lit the Menorah, and led a real sheep onto the Mizbeach! The general came out dressed up in Kohen Gadol garb leading his team into loads of energy. The next team was construction workers. With real life sized tractors and cranes, and their creative orange logo emblemed vests, they led their general out from- yes- a Porta-Potty, and the performance was hilarious! The night lasted long with inspiring singing and Achdus that was indescribable. After a snack of delicious donuts and some memorable Grammen, color war concluded and is sure to be one to remember!