The last day ended with a boom! Starting off with an amazing banquet, where the leaving campers reminisced about the last unbelievable month. It included a delicious seudah and uplifting songs for the whole camp to sing together. But it wasn’t over yet! Because at the end came an awesome breakout for a GRAND BENNY FRIEDMAN CONCERT!!! The concert was filled with lively music and wild dancing, followed by a beautiful and inspiring kumzitz! A truly amazing month in gan yisroel!
As they say, time flies when you are having fun! What an amazing month full of davening, learning, activities, sports, trips, and fun! The last day was definitely a very memorable day! With each grade having a trip, 6th grade went to an amazing bounce house! Fifth grade went to high exposure with many fun attractions including rock climbing, a ninja warrior course, and a nerf gun experience! 4th grade and NOD went to the awesome skate estate, with waterslides, miniature golf, arcades, laser tag, and rollerblading! The campers had a ton of fun!
Tuesday night there was a grand breakout for bog war!!! The 3 teams’ names were yafutzu, maynosecha, and chutzah (red, blue, and green)! The morning started off early with an extra special mishnayos baal peh, with each grade having their own quota, and as soon as each camper finished, got a delicious doughnut that featured the color of their team! Then there was a special lineup, where all the teams said the pesukim together, followed by an amazing shacharis full of chayus! After breakfast, came the incredible theme speeches by a camper from each team, followed by learning classes and a very amusing halacha skit from each team. After the halacha skits, each team had team time to learn and discuss their theme song, and after lunch, the magnificent songs were presented in front of the judges and the entire camp. After leagues and mincha, came the grand play of Maynosecha! Following supper, came the grand play of Yafutzu, and after maariv the grand play of Chutzah finishing off the incredible dirah bitachtonim war of 5781!
Sunday night was the grand gan yisrael all star game!! (quite literally) The campers who were voted all stars joined forces to play the most hyped basketball game in gan yisroel history! Team gan (blue), vs team yisroel (red) played out an incredibly entertaining game, in which the red team took the narrow victory.
Monday there was a sensational and breathtaking bmx bike show! The professional bikers performed various amazing stunts, such as flipping mid air and riding on one wheel at various angles which left the crowd stunned and chanting, “we want more!”