Wednesday 9 Tammuz @ CGINY

Revellie, the old fashion way was @ 8:45. H.C.S.A. reportedly woke up 80% of the campers. @ line-up for flag raising H.C.S.A. made the following announcement “all those who had a fun time @ the water park yesterday should shout “Ad Mosai” and the campers who didn’t have a good time should answer.” The result was that for the first time this summer it was a “one-way-only” rocking “Ad Mosai”.

There was no morning activity. There were kaiser rolls, cream cheese, potato blintzes, egg rolls, cucumbers & lettuce for lunch.

During rest period, a group of 11 boys arrived with their chaperons. The boys are from South Africa, and they are staying in CGI for 1 day, to see what “The Rebbe’s Camp” is all about. The entire camp had “leagues” during afternoon activities. It was the first time in a while due to many other exciting things taking place in CGI. In addition new “leagues” signs designed by H.C.B.K. went up in the lobby. Bunk 14 went on their Shabbos competition trip.

During afternoon learning classes, many counselors got together to fix the flagpole. It took 15 minutes of discussion how the pole should be taken down. The actual procedure took 10 minutes.
@ the end of supper H.C.S.A. told the campers, that because of their beautiful participation on the Gimmel Tammuz trip & the Massive Kiddush Lubavitch yesterday @ the water park, by wearing their Yarmulkas & Tzitzits (@ this point the entire camp started clapping & rocking the dining room with the famous C-G-I chant, that was in full force yesterday) they would all be getting ices. The delicious Itzakadoozie, splash pops & shock tarts ices were then given to all the very happy campers. FADAK INC. & (with funding from Zee Cee) sponsored the ices. During the distribution of the ices the campers were shouting, during the shouting some staff, led by counselor Y.W. hoisted the benefactor of all the ices on their shoulders and ran around the dining room with him.

Tonight’s night activity was a very exciting episode of “brother night”, H.C.Y.S. with his brother were two of the contestants.

After Maariv there were late night activities including, indoor swimming where H.C.Y.S. managed to get into the pool with all his clothes , hockey in the Shul & game room for a number of bunks.

Yeshivas Kayitz went on a hike today to Parksville, visiting the waterfalls, Fiddles & the Post Office. In addition Y.K. members had a night swim tonight.

Masmidim & staff did their laundry today @ Suds & Duds in Liberty.

Sources tell SHMAIS NEWS SERVICE that there will be a bowling trip on Thursday for campers who excelled in Learning class.

Overnight camping

The entire camp went on an overnight Monday night to the “Neversink campgrounds” a beautiful camping site about 15 minutes from Gan Yisroel. There was plenty of food and the kids were having a blast when SNS checked up on them.

The remaining staff & Yeshivas Kayitz bochurim held separate b-b-q’s for supper in Camp.

The overnight will culminate in perhaps, the greatest trip in CGI history. The entire camp will be going to Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ. Mountain creek which has over 25 water rides & attractions for all ages, is “the worlds largest waterpark”. The entire park will be opened tomorrow, EXCLUSIVELY FOR JEWISH BOYS & MEN.

Sources tell SNS that YSP – Morristown will also be there.


Lots of staff including waiters, canteen workers & general managers were up all Motzei Shabbos night preparing for visiting day.

This morning there was a bedside inspection in honor of visiting day. Shachris followed in the Shul. After breakfast there was a raffle for the fantastic stereo system. The winner was Camper Daniel Amishay from Bunk Yud-Tes.

Though visiting day didn’t “officially” start till 12:00 noon, many parents and visitors actually began arriving much earlier. The carnival people began setting up for the visiting day carnival during Shachris.

Today’s visiting day will go down in history as one of the nicest ever, for many reasons. Firstly there was a great carnival with games, slides, moonwalks and more. The carnival went on for 6 hours from 12-6. Secondly the amount of visitors was enormous.

The visitors came from a record 6 countries, Israel, Latvia, Canada, South Africa, Hong Kong, USA & 17 states, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Minnesota, Kansas, Missouri, North Carolina & of course New York. Amongst the hundreds of visitors that came were many prominent Shluchim from around the world, including Rabbis’ Pinny Andrusier, Mendel Lipsker, Shea Harlig, Alter Tenenbaum, Yossi Shemtov, Yitzchok Newman, Leibel Shapiro, Mordechai Avtzon, Mordy Einbinder, Moshe Spalter, Ari Raskin, Yehuda Shemtov, Yisroel Rubin, Gershon Grossbaum, Yanky Saacks, Benzion Friedman and many others. There was a line of cars stretching from in front of camp caretaker Eric Taylors’ house till after “Turkey”!

In typical Gan Izzy fashion the rain made a few brief appearances during the day, B”H it was just drizzles & the carnival for the most part was not affected.

As visiting day was coming to an end, campers were seen shlepping bags and bags of nosh & other goodies, back from their day out of camp.

The canteen closed early tonight, after a very successful day B”H.

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

Regular day. The PA was fixed in all bunks on the hill. The younger divison began “leagues” today. Delicious fresh Pizza prepared by camp chef Shloimy futerfas and his staff was served for lunch. In all there were 50 full sheet pans with about 1000 total slices of pizza. Today was the first day for the one and only CGI roller blading activity, the kids all had a grand time. Yeshivas Kayitz had a b-b-q tonight for Supper, in Siberia. Bunks 12 & 13 were rewarded with the Summers first late night swimming activity in the indoor pool.

Wednesday 2 Tammuz

The seven oldest bunks in camp went on hikes today. The H.C.’s had a meeting in Rabbi Futerfas’ office this afternoon to discuss the Gimmel Tammuz Schedule. Later on in the afternoon the L.D.’s held a meeting with the L.T.’s on the front lawn.

Before Mincha all the campers went up to their Bunks to change into their Shabbos clothes. @ the meal the campers were priveleged to listen to Rabbi Yisroel Deren – Shliach in CT, who spoke about the Rebbe & Gimmel tammuz. After Rabbi Derens’ speech the entire camp sang “With a tehillim” & “Ad Mosai”. Instead of Night activity, the entire camp watched a longer than usual video of the Rebbe, afterward Rabbi Deren davened Maariv @ the Umud. Rabbi Shemtov, his voice choking with emotion, davened Maariv @ the Umud with the waiters Minyan. L.D. Rabbi Baras chazzered a portion of the Maamer “Veatuh Tetzaveh” @ both minyonim.

After maariv the youngest bunks went to sleep. The remanining bunks were split up in two Farbrengens, one with L.D.B.H. in the Yeshivas Kayitz dining room, the other with Rabbi Yisroel Deren in the main dining room, later in the eveing Rabbis’ Deren & Baras farbrengend for the staff.