The Winner Is… 7-13-2001

Thursday the Campers woke up at 8:00am, the day began with a regular day schedule – back to the fierce bunk competition. After learning classes, at 12:15pm, all the Campers and Staff gathered in front of the flagpole and lined up in three long lines for the announcement of the Shlichus War Winner!
After the usual pre-announcements and “water throwing”(due to the chilly weather the only water this year was the Judges being thrown into the indoor pool while all the Campers watched through the large windows,) all the Judges screamed out in unison, with their right fists pumped in the air, “the winner, for Shlichus War 5761 is the team of Merkos Shluchim”.

Instantly pandemonium broke out with screaming shouting singing and dancing.

After lunch Bunks 1-14 went on hikes to Liberty, Parksville and the “Water fall”. While bunks 8 and 12 went speed boating for their Shabbos competition trip.

Thursday Chof Ches Tammuz 5761 / 2001

Today was a very exciting day in Camp, the day started with the bunk competition winners (Bunks 5, 12 and 15) going at 6:00 in the morning to Hershey Park.

After breakfast the runner up (Bunk 10) went speed boating, pizza, ice cream and shopping in the mall.

After lunch the remaining bunks went on hikes to Parksville, the waterfall, Rails to Trails and to a neighboring farm where the farmer entertained them.

Bunks Chof Aleph And Chof Bais played a game of basketball and soccer against Camp Lmaan Achai, and won both games!

Bunks Aleph and Gimmel went on their Shabbos Competition trip.

Tonight night activity was “Judgment Night”, the Judges were H.C.B.K., H.W.S.M. and M.D.Y.W. amongst those prosecuted were H.C.B.H. and G.M.M.G.

A special Mazal Tov to Campers Moshe Mandel and Shimon Piekarsky on the celebration of their Bar Mitzvah.

Bunk Competition Winners 7-2001

After Maariv Wednesday night the tense atmosphere was felt in the Shul as the Campers and Counselors awaited the announcement of the winners for the hard earned bunk competition.

Finally after all the singing and chanting the Head Counselors made the dramatic announcement and the winners are… first division Bunk Hey (Chabad of Costa Rico), Second division Bunk Yud Bais (Chabad of Spain) and Third division Bunk Tes Vov (Chabad of Venezuela). The winners will be going on a full day trip to Hershey Park on Thursday. Runners up of the entire camp was Bunk Yud (Chabad of Texas) who came in very close to winning; they will be going on a special trip on Thursday. Special recognition was given to Bunk Chof Aleph (Chabad of Thailand) who will be going on a special outing.


Team of Shluchim
(T.T.T.O. VeHa’aviosim MBD)

My Shabbos by the Shliach
Is always more serene.
Since in a Chabad house
The Rebbe’s clearly seen.

From his family and friends
The Shliach is removed.
To do the Rebbe’s Shlichus
How could he refuse?

The farbrengens Friday night
Inspired me.
Sitting with the Shliach
In unity.

His guidance helping hand,
Changed me through and through.
Making me feel that
I’m a Chossid too

Mesiras nefesh beguloi
The goal of every Jew.
But as the Rebbe’s, Shluchim
This is all we do.

Shliach Shel Adam, K’moso
Rebbe — Shliach unite
Bringing Moshiach closer
Lighting the Golous night.

Team of Merkos Shluchim
(Original tune)

All alone, a young man sits,
His soul crying out from deep within
His Yiddishkeit sold carelessly
He asks Hashem “please let me see”

Few moments later a bochur stands
Before him holding matzos in his hands
Our holy Rebbe sent these to you
For he knows that you’re a Jew

The Rebbe worries for every single Yid
Despite their level or city were they live
For this reason the Rebbe chose his bochurim
Who stand on guard to be sent speedily
For this reason we as Merkos Shluchim
Are marching forth Triumphantly!

Team of Chayolim

I am what they call a minuteman
To serve the army as best as I can
Normally I’ll be working elsewhere
But as soon as war breaks out I will be there

Every Chossid is a minuteman
Serving the army as best as he can
Whenever I get a chance to fight
I will strive to touch every Yid in sight

The Rebbe demands that every single Jew
Should become part of his mission too
We’re ready for the call, to prepare the world
For the coming of Moshiach Tzidkaynu

Shlichus War Teams – CGI @ 4:12 am PST

Team of Shluchim
Theme: A Shliach settling in a city to be the Rebbe’s representative to reach and affect every Jew in the city.
General: Yudi Steiner
LT. Gen.: Shmuli Backer
LT. Gen.: Zalmy Hecht

Team of Merkos Shluchim
Theme: A traveling Shliach to reach even the furthest Jew wherever others may not be able to settle.
General: Simmy Morgenstern
LT. Gen.: Motti Seligson
LT. Gen.: Shneur Shneerson

Team of Chayolim
Theme: Every Chossid, regardless of his job, has an order from the Rebbe to influence every single Jew that he comes in contact with.
General: Mendy Greenberg
LT. Gen.: Koppel Cohen
LT. Gen.: Levi Raskin

From Project Shlichus to Shlichus War! 7-11- 2001

On Tuesday for the second activity all the Campers went up to their bunkhouses to complete the final touches on their bunk decorations and costumes for “Project Shlichus”.
At 3:45pm all the Campers and counselors got dressed into their costumes and stood outside of their respective Chabad Houses with proud signs and flags welcoming everyone in to their Chabad Houses.
After individual pictures were taken of each group in front of their Chabad Houses, all the Campers assembled in the center of the hill for a special formation.
What a Site to see! From the English royal guards to the Alte Chasideshe Yiden of Russia, from the vacationers of Hawaii to the Moroccan Jews, the hill looked as colorful and diverse as can be!
The bunks then each had a chance to present their cheer or song about their Chabad House and Country, each in their own accent or language. The Chayos and noise (thanks to the infamous CGI siren) was tremendous!
This prompted on of the CGI neighbors Mr. Ray Kelly to come on his tractor to the center of the hill berating the Staff for the commotion and the noise Camp was making, this lead into a confrontation with Masmidim Director Yossi Waks. . . . . . BOG WAR!
After a loud thank you to Mr. Kelly and the completion of the Presentation the Campers all went down to the Shul where they were explained the names of the teams in this Shlichus war and the teams were divided. (see related article).
The Chayos of Mincha and Bentching of supper really started this Shlichus war off on a high!
Very entertaining scavengers followed supper, the Campers then went up to bed and fell asleep within minutes after a long exciting and tiring day in Gan Yisroel – The Rebbe’s Camp

Overnights 7-2001

On Monday afternoon the entire camp moved to “Neversink” where they camped out in the wilderness.

Grouped in 2 bunks there was a total of 11 sites with beautiful campfires & BBQ’s found at each one. The sound of camp songs being sung at all the sites was heard all around the entire campgrounds.

Even a little rain that came down for a brief period during the night was not able to dampen the spirits of the campers.

At 8:00am on Tuesday morning all campers were awake after Shachris, breakfast and cleaning the site ready to board the buses for the trip to Mountain Creek the world’s largest water park which is located in Mount Vernon, NJ, where the Campers had a very enjoyable day, see related article.

Sunday 17th of Tammuz 5761

Earlier this afternoon their was great excitement in the air as all the Campers went up to their bunkhouses to finish decorating the bunks and making costumes to resemble the country that they are representing in “Project Shlichus”. While their counselors continued collecting information about the Chabad Houses and contacting their respective Shluchim, the Campers were actively working on the posters and decorations of the bunk.

Afterwards there was the traditional Campers Counselors Baseball game the final score was 16-2 with the counselors in the lead, the younger bunks played a grand game of hockey in the Shul.

After Mincha Rabbi Baras told the Camp a story. To break the fast to the excitement of all the campers the whole camp was served pizza from “Delicious Pizza” in South Fallsburg (Lazer Raksin).