Dear Parents and Friends.
Due to the telephone quality issues and the large audiences of our WebCam, we need set it offline until our scheduled BroadBand installation which should be ready sometime time next week.
Dear Parents and Friends.
Due to the telephone quality issues and the large audiences of our WebCam, we need set it offline until our scheduled BroadBand installation which should be ready sometime time next week.
Hello! It’s almost Shabbos here and one of the rules in camp is to write a letter home, so you’ll get to hear what’s going on up here.
The truth is that as you know I was quite scared to come to here all by myself for the 1st time. But, I’m really having a pretty good time, it’s almost hard to remember why I was so nervous. Basically almost everything is going alright and the staff seems to be on top of things. Like our on time departure from Crown Heights to camp on Tuesday we left on time and arrived early. We had extra unpacking time but believe me it wasn’t wasted because my counselor needed all that time to help us fold our clothing with the crease on the outside, which definitely paid off, because on our first clean up mark we got an extra half-a-point then we were supposed to, with a “Very Nice” written on bottom.
Later that night we davened a little earlier and had to skip the night activity so that some other kids would have some more time to finish unpacking. I, though had already finished so I spent the time talking to the boy who sleeps underneath me. He’s pretty nice and we’re becoming close friends.
Let me tell you about something else really interesting that we’re doing. Every night before Maariv the head counselor asks us a question and the next night whoever answers the correct answer receives a prize. It’s really cool stuff, like that several days before the Yom Kippur War the Rebbe made a rally for kids just like me and told them to sing a song with the words מפי עוללים ויונקים יסדת עוז להשבית אויב ומתנקם “From the mouth of sucklings and babes you established strength and destroyed the enemy”. These words were sung to the tune of the popular niggun of וכל קרני רשעים. I never knew that before -did you? If you did, why didn’t you ever tell me, at least it’s a good thing they did, and if there’s anything else like that you better hurry up and tell me before they do! Then after Maariv they also show us a little clipping of the Rebbe.
The next day we had some weird weather. It started off in my counselors words “smashing hot”; it stayed that way all through the learning classes in the morning and the activities in the afternoon. Don’t worry the heat didn’t stop me from playing my hardest, we even won two games. Plus, I didn’t get too hot because there was a big can that they fill up with drinks sitting in the camp square available at all times and we constantly took breaks from the game to get drinks. After all the activities were done and we were finishing off our snacks, it began to rain. So we had to have a general learning class in the shul and Rabbi Baras told us a really neat story , but it’s too long to write here so I’ll tell it to you when I get home (but don’t forget to remind me).
My favorite activity so far is night activity, which is almost like the other activities, but instead of the dripping sweat we were dripping tears of laughter from the really hilarious night activity director Moshe Marckel. He had a really good entrance right through a big smiley face picture set up on the otherwise empty stage. He really surprised us!
Then Thursday was the same thing as Wednesday, it started off hot in the morning. That wasn’t really too good because something went wrong with the air-conditioning system in the shul and it started smelling up the entire shul (don’t worry it was fixed a couple of hours later). So davening had to be done outside in the shade of the flag, just where I was standing the flag didn’t really cover my bunks line, so it was really really distracting, but the head counselor understood so he was giving out a whole lot of pictures of the Rebbe to those who davened nicely. In fact a kid in my bunk won, I didn’t win yet, but I’m sure that I am going to get myself quite a few before the summer is over. Even the קריאה for the fast day was outside, (imagine- they just carried the bimah outside!) and we had to find how many times in each aliyah there is a certain letter for a cold drink.
After that we had learning class, which was really pretty interesting. My learning teacher is extremely nice- even though he punished one my friends today that they would miss the beginning of night activity. Towards the end of learning class it started raining so we went to the shul for another general learning class. This time it was led by H.C. Asher Deren who told us all about how the Frierdiker Rebbe came to America. Afterwards between Mincha and Maariv we watched different clippings of when the Frierdiker Rebbe came to America and when he got his citizenship. I’m telling you I’m really learning a lot of new stuff.
But let’s not get sidetracked, before we davened we had our annual camper counselor baseball, kickball and soccer games. Since I’m in the younger division, I was by the kickball and soccer games and we won by a mile. We campers, we’re the best! I heard that by the baseball game even though at the beginning the staff had the lead, but the campers came back real hard and beat the staff by a full four points. I’m sure the staff is all embarrassed, they probably wished the game would be rained out, but luck was on our side and the only rain we had was during learning class.
For me the best part of a fast day is not only the camper counselor games, but is also the pizza supper. I’m still too young to fast, and therefore the H.C.’s wouldn’t let anyone fast, so I wasn’t hungry- but I still got real pizza for supper! Yippee!
Anyway, today was pretty regular, and I really helped with cleaning the bunk for Shabbos and bedside inspection. Our bunk is really working hard to win bunk competition. Today we also had a camper supervision drill, meaning we had to stay within sight or sound of one of our counselors, which even though I don’t like so much, it’s not so bad, especially because I like hanging out with my counselors.
Alright, it’s my turn for the shower.
Keep in touch
The directorship and administration of camp would like to wish all campers and staff members a Gmar Chasima Tov
The entire Gan Yisroel family would like to wish a hearty Mazel tov to a dedicated senior staff member of camp, E.C.A.D. and division head Ely Rosenfeld upon his engagement. May all the Brachos of the Rebbe to a Chassan and Kallah be fulfilled in its entirety. Mazel Tov Mazel Tov!
Reporting live from the grounds of Kiryat Gan Yisroel, a little more than four weeks ago nine busses and scores of cars carrying over 500 campers and staff departed the grounds here, having concluded the most outstanding and exciting summer in this camp’s 46 year history.
As I walk these grounds, my mind fills with warm memories of this past summer. Entering the Shul my eyes brimming with tears, I recall the first day we all arrived, the initiation of Project Shlichus, Shlichus War, Shnas Hameah War and the closing Banquet. Oh what a summer indeed it was.
My next stop was the main building, entering the lobby my eyes automatically wandered to the walls filled with pictures that depict camps rich history and dearness to the Rebbe, as I gaze upon the pictures of the Rebbe’s three visits to camp. Than my eyes glance to the map of countries represented by bunks here in camp, helping the Rebbe’s Shluchim in these remote places (now familiar to every camper).
Project Shlichus will be covered in the upcoming article.
I then entered the Dining Room the room still vibrating with the sounds of the 270 campers as their voices bellowed out the different camp songs. Oh, the warm memories of Srulie’s Voice fill the room as he leads the Seudah Friday Night. How can I forget Baruch Hecht’s inspiring stories, as he kicks off yet another Shabbos day Seudah.
I only had a short amount of time to spend here today, as I would have liked to stay here forever. So I headed quickly towards the hill, as I pass the flagpole, reminiscing the heartfelt cries of Ad Mosai’s by the hundreds of campers, how their voices would pierce the heavens.
Climbing the stairs to the bunks I recall the counselors tireless devotion to their campers how they would speak words of inspiration, instilling in them an everlasting love to the Rebbe. How the bunks would play together with such unity.
These memories all so real in my mind.
Dear campers, how I wish we could all be together here in camp all year round. Lets all take these warm recollections with us and let them carry us throughout the year, until we will reunite for Camp Gan Yisroel 5762.
Future articles will include: Project Shlichus, an aerial view of camp as reported by our fellow dove Reb Yonah, and many more camp related articles, so stay tuned.
Please browse through the thousands of pictures of camp, to help keep your memory fresh of all those wonderful times.
2nd trip Bunk list 2001 / 5761
Bunk Aleph א’ Mendel Avtzon Moishe Block Menachem Mendel Borenstein Menachem Mendel Chanowitz Shalom Cohen Menachem Mendel Galperin Abraham Katzoff Shmuli Leiter Mordecai Rubin Menachem Mendel Shemtov Counselor Mendel Laine Counselor Eli Sandhaus Bunk Bais ב’ Avi Berger Shmuel Menachem Mendel Bindell Chaim Eilenberg Avremel Flinkenstein Shmuel Aharon Fridman Levi Junik Shimon Klein Shneur Zalman Kotlarsky Dovid Lew Sholem Ber Wolberg Yitzcok Mordecha Zirkind Counselor Yossi Hecht Counselor Mendy Nagel Bunk
Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk |
Bunk Yud Gimmel י”ג Menachem Altein Shmaya Futerfas Dovid Binyomin Kupfer Levi Raichik Nochum Schapiro Shmuel Schapiro Yanky Scheinfeld Yosef Yitzchak Sharfstein Bentzi Shemtov Menachem Mendel Wilmowsky Eli Winner Levi Zeiler Counselor Shmaya Galperin Counselor Bentzion Treitel Bunk Yud Daled י”ד Eliezer Gershon Avtzon Menachem Mendel Grossbaum Moishe Grossman Yaakov Hecht Yisroel Moshe Klar Dov Ber Lewis Binyomin Lubin Aryeh Newman Yaakov Yehuda Piekarski Mendy Rapoport Yankel Raskin Mendel Shemtov Counselor Shmuel Feldman Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk
Bunk Bunk Bunk Bunk
Masmidim מתמידים Bentzion Avtzon Yisroel SZ Benamu Reuven Yaakov Brody Yonaton Chanowitz Benzion Chudaitov Avi Cohen DovBer Dechter Shloime Denburg Chaim Sholom Emanuel Daniel Simon Ferster Daniel Fester Yisroel Hershkop Ori Kimhi Sholom Korf Meyer Mandel Eli Naiditch Avrohom Meir Ostfeld Boruch Rudd Yisroel Dovid Rudolph Shimon Sabol Bentzion Shemtov Chaim Moshe Shemtov Moshe Vogel
Gan Israel Parksville, NY |
Trip |
/ 5761 |
Bunk Aleph א’ Shalom Yehuda Menachem Abraham Mendel Mendel Yosef Mordecai Menachem Counselor Counselor
Bunk Bais ב’ Shmuel Menachem Chaim Avremel Shmurl Levi Shimon Shneur Dovid Yehuda Counselor Counselor
Bunk Gimmel ג’ Leivik Avi Yechezkel Mendel Chaim Shmuel Naftoli Avremele Yossi Meir Yisroel Schneur Counselor Counselor
Bunk Daled ד’ Eli Joshua Moshe Levi Menachem Dovid Yisroel Shalom Yossi Eliyahu Nachum Meir Counselor Counselor
Bunk Hey ה’ Shloimie Yossi Schneur Mendy Mordechai Motti Levi Boruch Mendy Avremele Avremi Counselor Counselor
Bunk Vov ו’ Shlomi Levi Levi Yisroel Shmuel Yitzchok Avigdor Yeshaya Yossi Yaakov Levi Counselor Counselor
Bunk Zayin ז’ Eli Aharon Berel Mendy Menachem Yaakov Motki Avrohom Schneur Shmuel Avremi Counselor Counselor
Bunk Ches ח’ Sholom Naftali Daniel Moishy Menachem Yossy Sholomo Avrohom Yitzchok Ephraim Yitzchok Counselor Counselor
Bunk Tes ט’ Dov Shneur Dovid Yossi Shaya Israel Yankie Benjamin Levi Sholom Yudi Yisroel Counselor Counselor
Bunk Yud י’ Boruch Dovber Shlomo Yonah Mendel Daniel Yehoshua Shneur Moshe Dovid Hillel Counselor Counselor
Bunk Yud Aleph י”א Shmuel Yisroel Leibel Shloime Meir Chaim Yosef Zalman Shmaryahu Ephraim Sruly Eli Shmuel Counselor
Bunk Yud Bais י”ב Menachem Shmaya Chaim Dovid Shmuli Shmuel Nochum Yosef Bentzi Menachem Eli Levi Counselor
Bunk Yud Gimmel י”ג Shlomo Yosef Shmueli Moishe Yaakov Eliyahu Dov Aryeh Yaakov Yosef Mendel Shneur Counselor
Bunk Yud Daled י”ד Dovid Simcha Shmuel Chaim Shneur Aryeh Avraham Yaakov Mendel Shalom Elliot Counselor
Bunk Tes Vov ט”ו Yitzchok Yitzchak Yoel Yaakov Oren Shmulie Shloime Zalman Mendy Eliyahu Dovi Counselor
Bunk Tes Zayin ט”ז Yosef Avi Shimon Zalman Yitzi Menachem Chaim Mendel Nussin Nosson Tzvi Counselor
Bunk Yud Zayin י”ז Simcha Mendel Levi Aryeh Ari Yaakov Refael Levi Yehudah Meshulam Counselor
Bunk Yud Ches י”ח Moshe Peretz Shloime Yaakov Shmuel Shneur Simcha Eliyahu Berel Chaim Counselor
Bunk Yud Tes י”ט Shmuel Menachem Meir Dovid Menachem Chanoch Shneur Yeshayohu Baruch Avraham Counselor
Bunk Chof כ’ Rafael Yaakov Peretz Peretz Moshe Yitzchak Yosef Simmy Shimon Isaac Berl Counselor
Bunk Chef Aleph כ”א Avi Zev Sruli Michoel Sruly Shnayor Sruli Yankie Moshe Yacove Shmuel Counselor
Bunk Chof Bais כ”ב Avi Hendel Benyamin Zalman Shlomie Oriya Yanky Moshele Shimon Avrohom Moishe Areleh Counselor
Masmidim Yisroel Chaim Chaim Sholom Shmuel DovBer Boruch Chaim Reuven Avrohom Benzion Yisroel Bentzion Daniel Ori Daniel Shimon Sruli Yonasan Shloime Ushy Yossi Josh Yeshivas Kayitz ישיבת קיץ Shmuel Moshe Yehuda Menachem Ben-Zion Schneur Levi Yehuda Daniel Meir Uri Efraim Moshe Shneur Levi Meyer Pesach Shimon Shmuel Levi Ariel Shlomo Nachmon Dov Heshy Elchonon Aaron Chaim Levi Ziv Schneur Yisroel Yosef Yosef Moishe Binyomin Yeshaya Sholom Eliyahu Menachem Dovid Yisroel Choni Levi Bezalel Shmaya Yosef Moishe Yisroel Yehoshua Moshe Yossi
For over 400 campers, Masmidim and Yeshivas Kayitz members that spent either 1 or both months of this Summer @ Gan Yisroel, NY, “Survival†with professionally trained Survival director Gershon Sandler was a fantastic experience.
The daily exciting activities in the woods of CGI, had the campers learning how to survive in the forest by building debris shelter and starting a fire with birch bark and stone. The campers also played games and went on nature hikes where they learned about Hashems creations.
In addition to all the above many of the older campers were involved in building the first ever Jewish Survival Community in the woods. As in most communities their first project was to build a Mikva in the nearby stream. Afterwards, the campers, under the direction of Gershon Sandler went on to build a “kitchen†which consisted of an open fire-pit where they cooked food, benches made from logs and a tarp covered table used for food preparation.
One of the Survival highlights of the summer was the “Baal Shem Tov Davening Experience†that was awarded to the best learning classes. The deserving classes, along with their learning teacher and Survival Director, would enter the forest after lineup in the morning, where they would make their way to the “Shul†constructed by Gershon. The Shul consisted of a tree that was cut down to serve as a Shtender and logs for the campers to sit on (see thumbnail photo above). The special part of this experience was not only the beautiful surroundings where the campers found themselves, but most importantly the slow pace of davening. The campers would daven with much Kavana and their learning teacher would explain many parts of the davening to them.
After davening the campers ate breakfast and were treated to special “eggs in a hole†cooked over the open fire by Gershon. During breakfast, the experience continued with the campers listening to stories of the Baal Shem Tov.
Some other highlights included a “Can-paign†that raised $100 for Hatzoloh, night hikes & bar-b-ques in the forest for the best bunks.
The campers of CGI would like to extend their thanks and appreciation to the Nathan Cummings Foundation & The Foundation for Jewish Camping for bringing Gershon Sandler to camp. If you are interested in having Gershon come down to your Chabad House or community, to create any type of outdoor nature experience you can contact him at ShalomTeva@aol.com 201-337-7050