This morning camp was in an uproar. Just after the camp woke up there was talk of a special guest coming to camp today, so after breakfast the camp had an extra cleanup. Later on the camp got word that he is not going to come today.
During learning classes the competition continued, more classes went head to head in a game of connect four.
During activities we had Playoffs; there were enough upsets that had the entire camp talking. The number eight seed squeezed pass the number one seed 38 to 34 in a game of basketball. The second upset was when the seventh seed beat the number two seed 6 to 4 in a game of hockey. The championship will be on Thursday IY”H.
For night activity the camp had judgment night were campers bring the staff to court for what ever reason they desire. The three most respected figures that were brought to court were
1) NAD Moshe Markel – for not being funny enough.
2) HC Aher Deren for owing campers pictures of the Rebbe.
3) ECAD Levi Backman for not coming through with the trips he promised bunk Yud Daled. Whereupon found guilty promised bunk Yud Daled together with the entire camp a trip to six flags – great adventures tomorrow.
The campers went to sleep with smiles from ear to ear, awaiting the big day coming tomorrow.
MOSHIACH DAY 8-14-2002
Moshiach day, yes another great amazing day in Gan Yisroel. Truthfully every day in Gan Yisroel is a day that we are working hard to bring Moshiach, but I guess today is something special. “Line up CGI”, line up in one very very very long line to bring out the Achdus (unity) between us all. By Davening all the campers sat together (i.e. the benches were pushed together) also showing the unity between all the campers. After that by breakfast we had a special guest – the food inspector. Then came learning classes. During learning classes the younger Kevutzah’s that are learning Mishnayos Succah (which speaks about different types of Succah’s that are Possul) started building model Succah’s (with Popsicle sticks). They head a competition which Kevutzah can build the nicest one. MEANWHILE the older kevutzah’s are having kevutzah vs. Kevutzah BEES on Shulchan Aruch Hilchos Elul & Tishrei.
During the day the playoffs in the 1st division of athletics kicked off. Additionally the new NBA hoops where in full use. Most of the bunks went swimming, it was a very hot day here in Gan Yisroel. In the evening the staff had an amazing OUTDOOR play. It started off about 7:45 starring all the head staff even Rabbi Baras acted. It had to do with a Chacham in Kabul who didn’t have any children and then Hashem blessed him with a special child but later they got separated. At the end of the play the father and son reunited together again. The “Nimshal” is that we are separated from our father the Rebbe and we can’t see him physically, but very soon we will be reunited together with him with the coming of Moshiach right now.
TOPSY TURVY DAY – From the eyes of a camper 8-12-2002
Good morning Gan Yisroel hey I don’t hear the voice of H.C. Mendy Kornfeld rather the new H.C. for Topsy Turvy H.C. Chaim Asher Landa. Now in the shul for Shachris H.C. Sruly Steiner (brother of H.C. Moshie Steiner) ran Shachris. Learning director Schneur Chein said the Hayom Yom after Shachris. Meanwhile all the New waiters led by head Waiters Sholom Ber Wolberg and J.J. Hecht (nephew of head waiter Ashi Hecht) were setting up the Dining room for breakfast. After breakfast we all ran to our learning classes each of us begging our learning teacher to sub him, so he let each of us say a story to the class at the end if we behaved. Now learning director Menachem Altein came to our class and started screaming at me cause I was kicking the sand so I told him that it’s not my fault Zalmy did it first so he told me this is your last warning next time you’ll be in for serious stuff. After learning classes we had line up led by head counselor Mordy Harlig (I don’t Know If it was worth it for him to get the job. The staff (I mean the campers –at least for today ) drenched him). But anyway after lunch I started walking around the camp square and I bumped into a big cardboard box. I looked at it and it said on it something about a basket ball backboard I looked at the basket ball court and I realized that the hoop is missing I wondered and waited then AT 2:47 CAMP TIME AN AMAZING NEW FIBERGLASS BACKBOARD AND HOOP WENT UP ON THE CGI BASKET BALL COURT Being put up by the G.M. Shmuly Vishedskey and Berel Levy (I guess It was worth it to vote for them) then I got in line and at 3:14 I was the 23rd camper to throw a ball into the all new HOOP. Afterwards I went back towards the main building and who do I meet, the computer lab manger all the way from Riga Mendy Glazman sitting and snapping long range electronic pictures of the new Hoop. What a Day it is still not over finally we have night activity with the amazing NAD’s Sicherman and Saxon. Tonight they called up the staff and believe me it was messy I never saw so much shaving cream in my life. Then after Maariv H.C. M.S. started screaming believe me I was scared, there was only one word that was exiting my mouth “I didn’t do it”. Anyways it ended up to be something like Moshiach day. Tomorrow I’ll let you Know what happened on Moshiach day. Good night. As I’m tossing in bed, hey where is O.D. Y.C. rather the Turvey one Nachi Cohen, Chassideshe Chaloms!!!
Update Av 30 8-9-2002
To everyone’s surprise today was not a lazy day, instead everybody woke up waiting to hear who won this Hiskashrus war. After a delicious breakfast everyone was back to regular learning classes. Thereafter both teams lined up in front of the outdoor pool. All the judges were at the diving board with their yellow hats on, “and the winners are none other then the team of LEHOVIE ES HAGEULA and all the staff went for the jump. The campers all watched delightfully. Two minutes later there was line up for the entire camp. Head Counselor Asher Deren reminded everyone that we are back to our regular schedule. I just love the ole’ Gan Izzy exciting schedule.
Before activities all the campers received their applications for Topsy Turvy day, which is going to take place on Sunday and all afternoon they were going around receiving signatures from staff and campers to be elected for their positions. At night activity whoever went for one of the head positions got up and told the campers why they should vote for them.
After lights out there was a staff Seder followed by a Farbrengen with Rabbi Yehudah Leib Schapiro, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivah Gedolah – Miami which is still going on.
GRAND SING 8-8-2002
The second day of color war continued with a bang, everybody looking forward to the Grand Sing at night. The day was filled with smashing Davenings, Bentching, fun activities and races in the afternoon as their costumes were being prepared by some of the talented staff. At about 6:30 the campers got dressed up into their costumes. The team of Lilmoid MaiHarebbe dressed up like Baal Agolos (wagon drivers), and the team of Lehovie Es HaGeulah dressed up like fire rescuers. Throughout the day all the staff members worked very hard on setting up the Shul. Both teams had beautiful props and backdrops for the Shul, together with their excellent costumes. (as you can see in the camp pictures)
After each team was fully dressed, they each lined up in formation, and then were dismissed to the Shul. After both teams were in the Shul the “Hear come the judges†started slowly and low at first getting stronger by the second until the shull rocked from the cheer, and the first judge walked in pulling a rope with the next judge somewhere down the end of it. After the first judge reached his table he began pulling in the next one with rope, and so on with the rest of them. The judges themselves were dressed up very interesting as some of the pictures show.
At the start of the Grand Sing Judge Asher Deren welcomed all the people throughout the world who are watching the Grand Sing through the live web cam, where ever they may be.
The team of Lilmoid MaiHarebbe then presented their General Mendy Kaplan, who came in riding a real horse. Then the team of Lehovie Es HaGeulah presented their General who came in through the window of one of the props which was smoking while rescuing someone.
The chayos throughout the entire Grand Sing was amazing. Each team presented their Theme songs and Alma Matters. The Lebedike Nigun was the height of all the chayos both teams got up on the benches and literally rocked the house. At the end of the presentation of all the songs, Judge Asher Deren thanked all those watching us, and the entire camp waved goodbye while singing “Goodbye Gan Yisroel, Farewell…â€.
Afterwards were the Grammen which praised, admired, commended, extolled, honored, congratulated, paid tribute to, went into raptures over all of the staffs’ talents, abilities, flair and aptitude. The camp then Davened Maariv with the Rosh Hashonoh tune which was able to be heard for miles. With both teams convinced of their win they gladly went to sleep so they should be able to here their name being announced the next morning.

Along with the great Zechus of being the camp that the Rebbe established 47 years ago, visited 3 times and gave extra special attention to, comes a big Achrayus as well, the Achrayus to live up to the Rebbe’s expectations.
With the above in mind, on Friday night, a surprising announcement was made to the entire camp by Rabbi Avrohom Y. Shemtov, executive director of CGINY.
Rabbi Shemtov told all the campers & staff that in accordance with the ongoing initiation and discussion with camp director Rabbi Yossie Futerfas Gan Yisroel was going ahead with plans to purchase an additional 30+ acres for camp. The announcement was greeted with loud cheering from all present and spontaneously, everyone began singing “The Rebbe gives a message out…” a CGI classic.
IYH, if all goes well the new property will be in use for Summer 5763.
A special project is currently being organized whereby the public will able to sponsor portions of the new land in honor of or in memory of a loved one. Details will IYH be forthcoming.

Although historically the second visiting in camp is usually less crowded than the 1st, this year @ CGINY seemed to be an exception and the canteen couldn’t have been happier.
Hundreds of people from around the world including many Shluchim, CGI Alumni and former CGINY Head Counselors Yossi Spalter, Srully Altein, Boruch Kaplan & Elkana Shmotkin came to visit family & friends on the summers 2nd and final visiting day.
Adding to the great excitement of visiting day were special performances by bunks 1-10. A grand soccer game and a fantastic carnival.
Kerogil, as visiting day was coming to an end, campers were seen shlepping bags and bags of nosh & other goodies, back from their day out of camp.