The inspiration began days before, as learning teachers, counselors, and head staff prepared the children spiritually and emotionally for the crucial moment when they would be standing before the Rebbe at the Ohel.
Sunday morning, Gimmel Tammuz, the campers envisioned themselves at a private Yechidus with the Rebbe, each facing his pocket-sized picture, as they wrote their personal Panim to be read at the Ohel.
Donning the stunning camp T-shirts, the campers boarded air-conditioned charter buses, and headed for the Ohel, where the campers were given priority over the huge crowd, entering through an express lane, prepared especially for the Rebbe’s campers.
This was of course followed by an inspirational Farbrengen at Beis Rivkah, Crown Heights, where the campers were treated to a delicious dinner, raising their voices in song and hope to be reunited with the Rebbe, once again very soon.
The DEP would be proud. We are proud to proclaim the air at CGI fresh and pure, filtered by an astounding 179 air-purifiers, sponsored by the Fresh Air Foundation. Moishie Frank, CEO of the innovative foundation, knows what it means to bring Mishnayos Baal Peh to the next level, and he has done it once more most outstandingly. Wow!
Gan Yisroel is prepared for all situations, are you?
How about joining us in this crash course on survival, where we will learn and experience survival (how to survive all) under the expert guidance of our very own survival director, Gershon Sandler. Yes, you’ve probably heard of him before, maybe even more than once, or twice; ‘cause talent returns again and again at Gan Yisroel.
-Survival Crash Course-
Step 1: Don’t get lost.
Step 2: Don’t panic
Step 3: Breath
Step 4: STOP (Stop, Think, Observe, Prepare)
Step 5: Find/build shelter (includes proper clothing and outer gear and other suppliers of warmth)
Step 6: Build fire
Step 7: Find water
Step 8: Find food
Step 9: Stop stepping, this is not a dance
But of course, the crash course aint nothin’ like the real thing, where you can experience flint stone scraping, birch bark lighting, water crossing, and lemongrass tasting; yum! Gan Yisroel serves it gourmet!
CGI is off to another smashing (or rather splashing) start! There is nothing like being welcomed by our dedicated staff (not to mention those scrumptious danishes, accompanied by a cool glass of milk.) There is also nothing like being welcome with a storm; a rainstorm. This just goes to show: come rain, shine, thick, or thin, Gan Yisroel is having a blast!
The highlight, of course (other than Head Counselor Yudi’s highly informative speech) was meeting the counselors; and what counselors! The wild applause could only mean one thing; these counselors are on a roll! We can definitely look forward to this summer being the best summer ever!
Nobody could guess what this summer holds, but this start definitely hints at something out-of-the-ordinary.
Imagine this scene: you are seated in the Shul. After getting over the disappointment of camp songs not replacing night activity, you hear a loud popping sound. Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! It’s getting louder and louder. Then, a loud BOOM pierces the air (and your ear). What’s going on?
Have you ever tried snatching a seat when the music stops, only problem is, the seat is twice your height? How about tossing a ball into a basket, feeding a friend cereal, or having a pillow fight…blindfolded? These are just some of the wacky things that tell you: night activity 5765 has taken off with a bang!
What are things like Air Miles, Express Lanes, or Gold and Platinum Memberships doing in Gan Yisroel?
The record-breaking Fresh Air Foundation (formerly known as Mishnayos Baal Peh) CEO, Moshie Frank, is back and better then ever! In this newly innovated display of anticipation, stimulation, and exhilaration, Cocoa Club and Mishnayos Baal Peh will never be the same! With temptations like marshmallows to enhance your hot cocoa, barbecues, privileges, grand-trips, and much more, who could resist?
Gan Yisroel, NY announces Head Staff for Summer 5765
This year’s Head Counselors are:
Yudi Steiner – Toronto, Ontario
Mendel Scharf – Crown Heights
Chezzy Deren – Stamford, CT
The Learning Directors are:
Rabbi Sholom Baras – Crown Heights
Isser New – Atlanta, GA
Moshe Raitport – Brooklyn, NY
Chassidishe Bochurim who wish to devote their summer to the Gan Yisroel mission as staff members, should apply as soon as possible. Last year the head counselors were forced to turn down a number of superb bochurim due to the large demand. They noted however, that out of concern for seder hayeshivah, they will not reply to the applications until yeshivos break for Pesach.
For more information or an application form call the office at (718) 774-4805 or download your application at
Reunion planned for campers and staff

The administration and staff of Camp Gan Yisrael NY, have announced that they are throwing a Reunion! The date has been set and invitations have been mailed out, the event promises to be a smashing success.
On Motzei Shabbos Parshas Beshalach, 12 Shevat @ 7:30, all campers and staff of CGI NY – summer 5764, are invited to Oholei Torah’s upstairs ballroom. Pizza, fries and other goodies will be served, and a full program of fun and excitement is planned. Campers will spend time with their beloved staff, most of which are away in yeshiva the year round. The special camp feeling will be born anew, and together with it, the powerful and positive impact the kids get no where else.
A special slide show of camp memories will bring the kids back in time to their precious summer. Grand raffles, Itchekadoozie live, a Souvenir, and music & dancing, are just some of the attractions that are being prepared. “I am proud to say that we were forced into this,” says Yudi Steiner, one of last year’s head counselors, “the demand and excitement that kids expressed to make something of this kind, was literally heart warming. It just goes to show all those dedicated staff, how much the kids really appreciate what they do for them.”
For more information call the camp office @ (718) 774 -4805.

The Grand Trip took place on Wednesday, to Six Flags Great Adventure, in New Jersey. Reveille was 5:30 AM, followed by Shachris and breakfast. At 8:00 the coach busses left camp. We arrived at the park at 12:00, and had a quick lunch outside the park. After lunch everybody entered the park, to have the greatest time of their lives! For those who wanted, one of our busses went on the safari located near the park.
Everyone enjoyed the rides and other attractions available there, until the power went out at 2:30 (camp time). The entire park, as well as the surrounding region was out of power for an hour. Boruch Hashem, none of our campers were stuck on any rides while the power went out. We gathered at a central location to daven Mincha. After Mincha, the entire camp went to watch a sea lion and dolphin show. After the interesting and informative show, we ate snacks and went back to the rides, as the power had been turned on. At 6:30 we met outside the park to eat supper after which we reentered the park for a final two hours of fun before closing. At 9:00 we set off, back to camp. Maariv was davened on the busses. We arrived in camp at 12:15, fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.