Visiting day for the second trip at Camp Gan Israel, Parksville New York.

Published: August 09 2009
Visiting day for the second trip at Camp Gan Israel, Parksville New York.
Published: August 09 2009
PARKSVILLE, NY [CHI] — After slipping in the first inning and giving up 7 runs, the staff paved the way for the visitors to victory in an upsetting final score of 13-5.
The visitors, comprised mostly of parents who dropped in for visiting day, played the staff at the field on the hill, and the misty foggy and rainy weather did not stop them.
Published: August 09 2009
Shluchim Rabbi’s (L-R) Mendy Kasowitz, of West Orange, NJ, Moshe Bleich, of Wellesley Hills, MA, and Meir Geisinsky, of Cedarhurst, NY watch the softball game of the visitors versus staff in Gan Israel, Parksville.
Published: August 09 2009
PARKSVILLE, NY [CHI] — The Yarchei Kallah convention held in Camp Gan Israel in Parksville, NY over the weekend came to a close this Motzoai Shabbos with a gala Melava Malka.
Addressing the crowd at the Melave Malka were Rabbi Yoel Kahn, the Rebbes Chozer, Rabbi Mordechai Shmuel Ashkenazi, the Rov of Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Shliach in Miami, and Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov, Shliach in Pittsburgh, among others.
Published:August 09 2009
Some 40 Mashpiim, and Roshei Yeshivos gathered on the grounds of Camp Gan Israel in Parksville, NY marking the traditional gathering of this sort honoring the Rebbes father Reb Levi Yitzchok.
Published: August 07 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
– CGI @ 6:44 pm PST
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Week in Review
– CGI @ 9:39 pm PST
This past week has been so hectic that it has been hard to find time to sit down and write. That’s right, here in gan yisroel there is never a dull moment, especially as the first month is coming to a close. So on Sunday right after lunch came the announcement: bivouac!!! For those of you out there who haven’t gotten it yet that is the code word here in camp for overnight. We were all very excited as you see its been weeks already that we were chanting the famous bivouac chant, and here what do you know, we’re going. Anyway after packing everything that I might need into my bag we headed down to shul for mincha and then onto the buses. We had such a good time, my friends and I, collecting wood, setting up the campsite and finally supper, maariv and the real bonfire experience. There is nothing as special as sitting around the fire and having your counselor tell you and your bunkmates great stories with great lessons that will last a lifetime.
The next morning we went back to camp, showered, and before you could say “bunk competition” they were announcing the winners. By the way they are bunks zayin, yud-zayin, and chof-daled. Tuesday off they went to Six Flags Great Escape along with all the campers who missed the first grand trip.
Wednesday afternoon by the second activity I knew something was off. All the head counselors were acting real weird and saying things like “the laundry is mixed up” and “were playing stratego” or capture the flag, or both, or I’m not even sure anymore and then when I thought I had it figured out they broke out bog-war, well waddayuno, I was wrong. They soon explained that it is called Chayolei Beis Dovid war and that we are the soldiers in Hashems army fighting our yetzer harah and the 3 teams are the 3 things you need to win the battle. Achdus – unity, kabbolos ol – listening to the directions without question, and simcha –joy.
From scavengers to M.B.P. in the morning and then theme speech, theme song, races and the grand plays, but don’t forget the main part davening and bentching with lots of chayus. We had such a great time that by the time it was over I just wanted to do it again. Friday they announced the winners … team achdus!!!
The last shabbos of the first month was beautiful yet sad, my best friend is going home, but don’t worry, we traded addresses and I am going to keep in touch with him, I promise. Motzei shabbos was the all-star game and now we are packing up and getting ready for the banquet to begin. Gotta go but I’ll see you next month here in the Rebbe’s camp!