Grand Trip!
On Thursday, campers scratched their heads in confusion as coach buses pulled in to camp. “More Inspectors?” some of them speculated, but no, it was only GRAND TRIP!! As the buses loaded up for the trip to Lake Compounce, campers and staff alike were given bottled water and reminded about the importance of staying hydrated and sticking together so that no one gets lost. After an exciting bus ride featuring videos of skits put together by the Shmaryunkee (or Shmaryonky or… whatever) members, we arrived at Lake Compounce! This amazing amusement/water park was completely rented out by several frum camps, so we had the place all to ourselves. Campers had a blast, running from one ride to another stopping only for another cup of (free!) soda.
Between getting soaked on the water rides, bumped on the bumper cars, and swung about on the roller coasters, the campers just couldn’t stop having fun!

Hiskashrus War 5771!!
On Sunday afternoon, the camp was visited by two “inspectors” who walked around the camp “inspecting” the grounds and the bunks. Only, they weren’t inspectors, they were the Hiskashrus War breakout!! Head Counselor Moshe Shemtov broke the news to us, and after a speech in the Shul, the camp was split into three teams:
עבר-Tradition, led by General Shimon Gorkin and Lt. Generals Shaykee Farkash and Mendel Blesofsky
הוה-Transition, led by General Simcha Raskin and Lt. Generals Sholom Gelernter and Chezky Weiss
עתיד-Future, led by General Nochum Shapiro and Lt. Generals Sruli Bronstein and Avraham Mishulovin.
The Generals led their teams in their cheers, after explaining to them the meaning of their team’s name in Avodas Hashem. The next 30 hours were packed with fun and excitement as campers worked to improve their Hiskashrus with the Rebbe by reviewing Tanya by heart, working on their Kabolas Ol and Ahavas Yisroel, and singing songs about Heilike Inyonim. As staff members furiously prepared for the plays and scavengers, campers got involved with props, backdrops, and rehearsing their parts. After three plays, three speeches, six scavengers, and countless lines of Tanya, the points were in!
And the winner is……….!!!!עבר (insert water here)
CGI CAMP PHOTO 2011 / 5771
Overnight Trip from Gan Israel!
This week, the entire camp went on an overnight camping trip, (or “bivouac”). Some camped out nearby in the “Rebbe’s Forest”, while others went a bit further and drove far away for their trip. At the campsite, campers spent time setting up tents and campfires followed by barbecuing and farbrenging. Everybody had a blast and it was a really amazing experience.

Campers at Camp Gan Israel – Parksville enjoyed an overnight camping trip, setting up tents and campfires followed by barbecuing and farbrenging with their counselors.

Visiting Day in Camp Gan Israel!
The very-long-awaited-but-seemed-

Many of the families left camp for a while to go spend the day together, while others spent time together in canteen or the square. In addition to the excitement of visitors, there were several attractions set up for the campers. Campers shot hoops on the inflatable basketball court, while others were running an obstacle and rope course. There were many campers playing on the blow-up slides and moon-bounce, while still others were having amazing time trying out the rock-climbing.

All in all, there were many happy faces to be seen throughout visiting day, as campers and company spent time catching up, eating delicious food, and just having fun. As the day wound to a close, bunk houses were stocked and restocked with enough nosh for an army. Campers gave emotional goodbye hugs to their families and told them they want to stay for another month. Parents gradually made their way to the exit as the campers lined up for Mincha.