A Year with the Rebbe

In Gan Israel, the staff are always trying to find ways to make the camp experience richer. Rich with excitement and fun, but also with meaning and significance. To that end, this year, Gan Israel has introduced a calendar for the year 5772. On each page of the calendar, there are spaces for pictures of the Rebbe which correspond to that day. There are pictures for Yomei D’pagra and pictures for Erev Yomim Tovim, among others. Campers earn stickers with pictures of the Rebbe for Davening with Kavana, learning with Hasmoda, and behaving in ways that make the Rebbe proud.

Then, they stick the pictures over the days on the calender to which they apply. These small pictures are earned from their counselors and learning teachers throughout all parts of the day. Every month on the calender also has one special Rebbe picture which represents a major Inyan for that month. These pictures are very rare and can only be rewarded by one of the Head Staff for very special behavior. Campers are all anxiously collecting as many pictures of the Rebbe as they can as they try to complete their calender.

At the end of the summer iy’h every camper will take home a full calender to use throughout next year. As the year progresses, campers (summer never ends, summer never ends), can look at their calender and live each day with a picture from the Rebbe that they earned through hard work and perseverance in doing things that make the Rebbe proud.