Thursday Chof Ches Tammuz 5761 / 2001

Today was a very exciting day in Camp, the day started with the bunk competition winners (Bunks 5, 12 and 15) going at 6:00 in the morning to Hershey Park.

After breakfast the runner up (Bunk 10) went speed boating, pizza, ice cream and shopping in the mall.

After lunch the remaining bunks went on hikes to Parksville, the waterfall, Rails to Trails and to a neighboring farm where the farmer entertained them.

Bunks Chof Aleph And Chof Bais played a game of basketball and soccer against Camp Lmaan Achai, and won both games!

Bunks Aleph and Gimmel went on their Shabbos Competition trip.

Tonight night activity was “Judgment Night”, the Judges were H.C.B.K., H.W.S.M. and M.D.Y.W. amongst those prosecuted were H.C.B.H. and G.M.M.G.

A special Mazal Tov to Campers Moshe Mandel and Shimon Piekarsky on the celebration of their Bar Mitzvah.