Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5761-2001

Shabbos Parshas Pinchas, was by far the most spectacular of the summer. It was a Shabbos culminating a fantastic week, which was highlighted by Shlichus War.
Before Minchah the campers were informed about a special prize for the weekly Shabbos raffle – a stereo system. Kabolas Shabbos was lead by a guest Chazzan, long time staff member of CGI Meir Kessler. The Friday night Seudah was extremly lebedik, Head Counselor Sruly Altein started the meal, teaching the camp excerpts from the first Farbrengen of the Rebbe when he came to America, this week sixty years ago. Then the camp sang all the new songs from Shlichus War, that set the tone for the meal, which turned into the most Chayos’diker Friday night that CGI has had this summer. The meal and ensuing Farbrengen continued past midnight, Head Counselor Baruch Kaplan farbrenged with over fifty campers.
Shabbos morning Tehilim had a record turnout, many campers from all divisions woke up on their own, and were there on time (the entire bunk Chof Aleph was there bright and early, in honor of their counselor Levi Raskin’s birthday). Camper Avremie Wolff, Morristown NJ lead the Minyan Tehilim.
Camper Baruch Vidal, Atlanta GA davened Pesukai Dezimrah, Camper Shneur Kamensky, Rochester NY davened Shacharis and Camper Yankie Lokshin, Brooklyn NY davened Mussaf.
The letters for counting during Kriah spelled “Shluchei Malach” in honor of the winning team “Merkos Shluchim”.
The winners of Shabbos competition were bunks Aleph (Chabad of Hungary), Gimmel (Chabad of Peru), Yud Gimmel (Chabad of Uraguay) and Tes Vov (Chabad of Venezuela). Many other bunks enjoyed late night activities of their own.