You’ve heard of all those crazy, scary and even spooky Bog war & Color war breakouts that take place in overnight camps during the summer.However, Monday afternoon’s Bog War break out in Gan Yisroel, NY was a classic. During rest period, H.C. Asher Deren got on the loudspeaker and announced to the entire camp that his colleague, H.C. Moshe Steiner had become a Choson to BrOcha GeWARsky. immediately pandemonium broke out in the camp square with singing & dancing of campers & staff alike. For added emphasis some Lechaim was distributed to staff as well.

In addition a special, very authentic looking report with news of the engagement was hung up on the official news board in camp.

After activities, word reached camp that Moshe had decided to come back to camp early before his Lechaim in New York in order to celebrate with his camp.

@ lerech 4:30 word reached camp that the “Choson” was minutes away from camp. Immediately campers & staff gathered outside the Debra to greet the Choson. When the Choson walked out of the debra he was mobbed with hugs and kisses and was lifted unto the shoulders of the staff amidst singing and dancing into the camp square where there was huge sign wishing him Mazel Tov.

When things finally quieted down a bit the “Choson” was given a moment to speak. After thanking camp for all of the Mazel Tov wishes 1 staff member called out is she coming to camp? To which the Choson responded “Brocha Gewarsky is not coming to camp…BUT BOG WAR IS!”

The sign hanging above the camp square was immediately revised to read “BOG WAR!”

And so it was a classic break out, only here in The Rebbe’s Camp!