The first session of the 47th year in The Rebbe’s Camp – Gan Yisroel, NY will end on Monday afternoon.

On Sunday night, to mark the end of one of the greatest 1st sessions in camp a delicious mini-banquet was held.

During the banquet special awards were given to best campers, bunks, learning classes and sports teams in the CGI leagues.

In addition, the campers sang songs and were privileged to listen to a very special guest speaker, the Rebbe’s Shliach in Bal Harbor, Florida, Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar.

For the 250 campers k”ah who had the Zechus to be part of it, they will remember their great experiences during a fun-filled month of activties, trips, Bog War, Farbrengens and the Shabbos Spirit that can only be found in CGI NY 12768.

On Monday afternoon dozens of campers will be making their tearful good-byes to their counselors staff and fellow campers leaving and dozens more arriving to take their place for a spectacular 2nd session.