NEW! Gan Yisroel Elite


Camp Gan Israel, founded in 1956 by the Rebbe,  has been the ultimate summer experience  for every Jewish Child.

Over the years the Camp has evolved. The grounds have been expanded; Campers now enjoy amazing sports and activities. The learning program has been completely revamped to include a more interactive curriculum, and state-of-the-art Game Show called Kluger. The lake-front has been renovated, exciting new activities have been added and an all new MBP (Mishnayos Baal Peh) program has been launched just this summer.

At the end of each summer campers walk away with inspiring stories, life-changing commitments, and a connection to Rebbe they never felt before. Some, but not all.

As the Camp founded by the Rebbe, we constantly strive to reach our maximum potential. To truly effect the way the ‘Camp experience’ affects the Campers’ lives.

Imagine a Camp…  Where every single Camper works on being a Chossid; every single day of the summer is a complete and meaningful one; Every Camper has a Goal and Mission; Every Camper leaves a better Chossid – a better Yid.

We envisioned a Camp where each camper is a proud Chossid, striving to be connected to the Rebbe, to be best he can possibly be. A proud member of the Rebbe’s army.

For the past few months the Head Staff have been hard at work creating a program to meet the needs every Camper.

We called it: Gan Yisroel Elite.

Stay tuned for details…

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