Head Staff Announced for 5775 / 2015

A video clip shows how the Head Counselors and Learning Directors of Camp Gan Yisroel of Parksville, NY, prepare for summer 5775.

The Head Staff of Camp Gan Yisroel, Parksville NY are working vigorously to ensure that the campers, counselors, and all staff members experience the most exciting thrilling and Chasidishe summer.

As this year marks the beginning of the 60th anniversary of the camp, the staff is determined to improve and enhance all the activities and day to day affairs of the camp.

Recently, the head staff met with the Executive Director, Rabbi Avraham Shemtov, who shared words of inspiration and motivation as he expanded on the Rebbe’s ideals in creating Camp Gan Yisroel.

Rabbi Shemtov imparted and shared with staff the Rebbe’s vision for a Camp that not only effects positive changes in the children during the summer, but has a lasting impact throughout the year.

Camp Director Rabbi Yossi Futerfas and returning Head Counselor Rabbi Nachman Dov Wichnin joined the meeting as well to provide valuable input on past experiences and future program planning.
head staff 2015
Camp Staff 5775

Head Counselors:
Rabbi Nachman Dov Wichnin – Brooklyn, NY
Mendy Cohen – Montreal
Chaim Junik – Crown Heights
Berel Slavaticki – Antwerp, Belgium

Learning Directors:
Eli Nochum Block – San Antonio, Texas
Chaim Eilenberg – Crown Heights

N.O.D. Head:
Zalmy Goldberg – Crown Heights

Bar Mitzvah Division Heads:
Moshe Denburg – Coral Springs, Florida
Yisroel Yarmak – Crown Heights

“Gan Yisroel Elite”, a Davening Program, the very successful “Kluger” competition, Mishnayos Baal Peh Contest, Chitas Club, and the new innovative “Chasidus Club” are some of the ideas and concepts that are currently being worked on to ensure that the 60th year, Shnas Hashishim, will be more exciting, sensational, and thrilling, than ever.

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