Ohel Shmuel Dedication Ceremony

Two beautiful wooden gazebos were recently donated by Hershey Chitrik together with his mother Slava to Gan Yisroel Parksville. The gazebos were donated in loving memory of Shmuel ben R’ Aaron Chitrik. Shmuel Chitrik’s Yaretzeit was Friday Chof Tammuz.

On Friday campers assembled in front of the larger of the two for a special dedication ceremony. Learning Director Ariel Stern, began the proceedings with some opening remarks, this was followed by the recitation of the twelve Torah Pesukim. The program culminated with some words delivered by Rabbi A Shemtov and the official ribbon cutting which was done together with Camp Director Rabbi Y Futerfas.

Gan Yisroel together with the Chitrik family looks forward to Gazebos primarily being used for learning classes amongst other activities, in keeping with the Rebbe’s statement that Gan Yisroel is a Yeshivah within and a camp from the outside.

Parents will be able to see the new gazebos this coming visiting day, SUNDAY JULY 27. 12 – 7pm.

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