Campers and staff boarded luxuries busses and headed to a indoor water park rented out by Gan Yisroel alone.
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Once all 8 busses arrived, the campers were addressed by the head lifeguard of the facility and in they went. Amongst all the rides there was one particular ride that campers enjoyed, an amazing surfing simulator where campers and staff lined up and awaited their turn.
Towards the end of the trip campers and staff both gathered, as for the winners of color war was to be announced, “and the winners are, team Cheishek” chanted the judges as the campers and staff of the winning team rejoiced.
Upon exiting the park campers were given fresh from and snacks, and on to the busses they went, as they headed straight back to camp in order to rest up for the last exciting days in Gan Yisroel 5776.