It’s not every day that 9 coach busses pull up on Francis Lewis Blvd, well yesterday was different. Campers and staff boarded comfortable coach busses en rout to the Oihel and 770 to commemorate Chof Av the Yartzeit of the Rebbe’s Father.
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Campers and staff arrived at the Oihel and headed straight in to one of the tents for a rally where the 12 pesukim were recited and niggunim were sung in preparation of entering the Oihel.
Panim in hand, campers and staff headed in to the Oihel where they reported on the success of their summer and for the speedy redemption. Upon exiting they washed their hands and headed straight to lunch where delicious salami sandwiches and drinks were awaiting them.
Following lunch the busses were boarded and off to 770 they were. Upon arrival the campers were whisked straight in to the main shul where they davend Mincha, finished reciting the 12 pesukim, and sang some more nigggunim.
In a very smooth manner, waisting no time, back on the busses they went as they headed straight back to camp in order to rest up for the last few really exciting days in Gan Yisroel.