Winning Team of Eved: The Details

Winning Team of Eved:
General: Yossi Dalfin
LT General: Hershey Weinstein and Yisroel Cohen
Captain: Shnuer Vogel

Team of Eved theme is serving Hashem as a servant serves his master. Even though the servant might not be in the mood to serve his master, he still serves his master. This type of Ahvoda, is consistent without any breaks.

The Play:
Winning Team of Eved play took place in 1922 in Ireland, whem the IRA was making a rebellion against the king of England who ruled Ireland. The play was about a Rabbi (which came from Europe) commitment to the King of England and not joining the IRA. The lesson of the play was, we should also be committed to Hashem and not join anything which isn’t for Hashem even if it’s looks enjoyable.

Grand Sing:
Winning Team of Eved theme for the grand sing was the Great Parade. The campers came in through 770 and there was a platform set up for the Rebbe and for Rabbi JJ Hecht. There were beautiful floats and backdrops. There was a section for the carnival and a Ferris wheel was built! The campers were dressed up as marching bands, and staff were dressed up as clowns, chickens, security guards and  parade coordinators. A video of the Rebbe by a Lag Boemer parade was played.

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