CGI Staff awarded with CGI Sweaters!


As a small token of appreciation for their amazing efforts, Head Staff recently presented each counsellor and learning teacher, amongst other staff members with their very own zip up sweater. Each sweater was proudly emblazoned with a five color CGI logo on the front and back.

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Video: Mock Wedding in CGI

In connection with Yud Beis Tammuz, CGI recently held a mock wedding. The wedding was held in Camp with each bunk participating as a different ‘group’ of guests. The formalities included a ‘Chupah’ and Simchas ‘Chosson vKallah’ complete with a full outdoor BBQ seudah. Campers were also explained the various aspects of the sanctity of marriage according to the Torah

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Zman BOG War, Break out!


Sunday afternoon saw all campers gathered in the Shul for an urgent address by EMT Shmuli Klein. Apparently someone had broken into the infirmary and stolen Shmuli’s radio, the very radio that Shmuli had given sweat, blood and tears to earn the right to carry it.

Navigate to continue reading below to see the full article and gallery of the Breakout/’Fakeout’, Dividing of Teams, Speeches, amongst other pictures.

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Gan Yisroel enjoys delicous BBQ


As a prelude to the “Mock” Wedding that was held in Camp this past Thursday, campers and staff enjoyed a sumptuous BBQ in the Camp square. The BBQ was complete with hot dogs, fries, assorted condiments and dessert. The BBQ also featured some words from HC Yossi Dalfin spoke about the auspicious days of Yud Beis & Gimmel Tammuz.

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