Mini Banquet, End of 1st Trip

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Sunday night marked the end of the first trip of Gan Yisroel 5774. Tearful goodbyes were said to all the first month camper’s at a beautiful Farewell Banquet. Songs were sung and heartfelt words were shared by the counselors and Head Staff. Special awards were given for performance in various aspect of Camp; this included the Head Counselors awarding the Best Camper in each bunk, as well as the winners of bunk competition. The Learning Directors also awarded the best camper in each learning class as well as the winners of the Klooger Championship. Finally the Sports Directors also distributed awards for the MVP of each team, as well as the champions of each division. A very special part of the evening was a raffle amongst the best Daveners in Camp, the winner of which received a plaque with a dollar from the Rebbe. We will miss all of the Campers who left us for the second trip, and we are sure that we will see them all of you next year, here in Gan Yisroel.

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