Important Visiting Day Information

Visiting day is an exciting time for parents, staff and campers please join us for a fun filled day. Below are some important details regarding this day. We look forward to personally greeting you on Sunday!

Schedule:12:00 Visiting Day Begins

12:45 Video Presentation

1:00 Klooger Game

1:15 Rides Open

1:45 Boating

2:30 Lunch

3:00 Grand Baseball Game

7:00 Visting Day Ends

NB: All of the above activities

except for lunch will be free of charge.

Date: Sunday August 4, 2013


487 Parksville Road, Parksville, New York 12768

If you would like to take your son out of camp, you must sign him out at the main office.

Please refrain from bringing girls over Bas Mitzvah into the campgrounds.

Camp Baseball Caps and Yarmulkas will be available for purchase at the low rate of $5.00 each

Canteen will be selling a variety of foods, including sandwiches and pizza, as well as hot dogs and other grilled foods (separately).

Suggested tips:

  • Counselors: $30 per month
  • Learning Teachers: $30 per month
  • Waiter: $30 per month

To order a Yarmulka in advance, to be picked up in camp, click here

To order a Camp Cap in advance, to be picked up in camp, click here.