Bunk War 5773 with the Oldest Division
Wednesday afternoon campers of the sixth grade-oldest division were told to immediately make their way to the infirmary for urgent necessary medication due to a recent epidemic. But it was only a few short moments that had passed when the spontaneous cries of Bunk War could be heard to the camper’s joyous surprise and relief.
More pictures in the full article.
The teams were quickly split up, and judges were announced. The theme of Bunk War was Avinu Malkeinu with one team being called Ben and the other Eved, referring to the two ways we can serve Hashem. The leaders of the team were comprised of four campers, a general, captain and two lieutenants. These leaders then directed their teams for a very lively Mincha followed by a Halochah scavenger from each team.
The rest of the day passed quickly with campers working during team time for the busy day ahead, arranging the special programs for the following day.
The next day, Thursday got off to an early start with Tanya Ba’al Peh, followed by a special lineup on the hill. Shacharis, breakfast and the morning activities carried on with a festive team spirit. Following lunch each team presented their Grand Play. Team of Eved focused on a family who emigrated from Morocco to America and had trouble finding a livelihood struggling to avoid work on Shabbos but ultimately not giving in and instead sanctifying this holy day. Team of Ben featured a protagonist who had troubled upbringing resulting him in leaving home at a young age and getting into trouble. Years later on his father’s deathbed he realized his father’s true inner love to him and how he really cared for him.
The day continued with relay races followed by preparations for the grand sing. After supper each team got ready and dressed up for the grand sing, team of Ben as volunteer rescue team representing a Ben who has an intrinsic connection with their father without any conditions. Team of Even dressed as Pizza chefs with pizza store décor showing how they are completely subservient to their head chef always following every directive, the same way that we need to serve Hashem.
The night continued with the theme speeches and theme songs which were all created by the campers, followed by an impromptu farbrengen. The night ended with a fantastic Maariv, each camper giving their best to gain the final points necessary to win the bunk war.
Friday morning featured a pool side ceremony announcing the winners; Congratulations to the winning team of Ben!
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