BMD In-Depth Sports Statistics


Parents often wonder how their son is performing in the awesome BMD Sports . The good news is that, that question is no longer valid with the new and improved daily sport statistics brought to you by Sports Directors: Dudi Slapochnik & Levi Rosenfeld. Using the latest technology each league game is carefully monitored and recorded with all the plays carefully documented. At the end of each day all the statistics are carefully typed up and printed for the sports board in the BMD Dining Room.

Below we present you a small glimpse of the latest statistics. Make sure to click continue reading to get the full picture of your son’s statistics and where he stands.

0Standings 30 AV
1Roster 28 AV
8Basketball 1BOA - 2CITI Stats 28 AV
9Basketball 3CHASE - 4WELLS FARGO Stats 28 AV
10Basketball 5APPLE BANK - 6HSBC Stats 28 AV
11Leaders Basketball Stats 28 AV
20Soccer 1BOA - 2CITI Stats 12 01
21Soccer 3CHASE - 4WELLS FARGO Stats 12 01
22Soccer 5APPLE - 6HSBC Stats 12 01
23Leaders Soccer Stats 12 01
12Football Team 1BOA - 2CITI Stats 28 av
13Football Team 3CHASE - 4WELLS FARGO Stats 28 AV
14Football Team 5APPLE BANK - 6HSBC Stats 28 AV
15Leaders Football Stats 28 AV
16Hockey 1BOA - 2CITI Stats 28 AV
17Hockey 3CHASE - 4WELLS FARGO Stats 28 AV
18Hockey 5APPLE - 6HSBC Stats 28 AV
19Leaders Hockey Stats 28 AV
4Baseball 1BOA - 2CITI Stats 28 AV
5Baseball 3CHASE - 4WELLS FARGO Stats 28 AV
6Baseball 5APPLE - 6HSBC Stats 28 AV
7Leaders Baseball Stats 28 AV

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