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Continue reading “Gan Yisroel”BMD Enjoyed an exciting surprise trip on Wednesday. The bochurim had a great time on the Go-Karts, bumper boats, giant slide, rock climbing and above all the toy train.
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Continue reading “BMD Surprise Trip”Aside from the regular activities, today also featured the Hanochas Tefilin of BMD bochur Zevi Feigenson. Staff also had shiur from camp Mashpia Rabbi Shmulik Shur, on the topic: Who will build the 3rd Beis Hamikdash. Additionally two lucky bunks had a blast with camp’s new for 5773 water tag activity. More photos in the full article.
Continue reading “Another day in Gan Yisroel”Camp Mashpiah Rabbi Shmulik Shur gives a shiur to Counselors on the topic: Who will build the the third Beis Hamikdash.
Tuesday morning started out for BMD like any other; regular Chassidus learning class, mezonos before davening and Shacharis. Following Shacharis the Bochurim were shocked to learn that one of their dedicated counselors had a serious rash, for which he had to go home, and would not necessarily be able to return to camp. The day continued as usual with learning classes and sports, but one bunk sans their best counselor.
UPDATED with photos in the full article.