Farewell Banquet for first month campers!

Sunday night in Camp Gan Israel we had a banquet to end off the first session of Gan Israel 5772. Right when we walked in we were able to tell this is going to be quite the night! A delicious meal started off the night, after which we sang camp songs and recalled fun memories of a month gone by.

The Head Counselors awarded the winning bunks of bunk competition and the best camper of each bunk with specially framed pictures of The Rebbe.
The Learning Directors awarded the winning Kvutza of Learning Class Competition and Talmidim Hachodesh of each Kvutza with a certificate of accomplishment and a picture of the Rebbe.
Our dear sports director Eli Loebenstein awarded the Champion teams of the Sports league and the MVPs with personalized trophies.

Farewell to the campers of yestermonth and hello to the New Campers of today!