Today seemed like a regular day in camp with all the schedules showing nothing out of the norm, so why did the staff seem so busy? The mystery was revealed after the 3rd activity was switched for a KIWI all-star game. Then the head counselors made an announcement about a missing Walkie-Talkie or something, the culprit was non-other than BOG WAR!

Sophisticated security cameras caught the "thief"

The theme for this year’s Bog War is “CHITAS WAR”

After splitting up the teams and meeting our Lt. generals taught us our awesome team chants, it was time for us to meet our generals. Starting off with General Levi (Pekar) telling us about the importance of Chumash. Next the general for the team of Tehilim – General Eli (Lowbenstein) – explained the importance and the power of Tehilim. Lastly but definitely not least the general from the team of Tanya – Beso a.k.a. Mendel (Blesofsky) explained the importance of Tanya.

The three generals. From left: Beso, Eli, and Levi

We started off with a smashing Mincha and continued with immense energy Supper and then headed to the shul for the best scavengers (skits) ever! After six crazy scavengers, the campers headed up to the hill for bed, excited for another day of BOG WAR!!!

(Contrary to popular belief, BOG actually stands for Brown, Red, and Gray, not Blue, Orange, and Green.)

Regular activities….