Visiting Day in Camp Gan Israel!

The very-long-awaited-but-seemed-it-it-would-never-come VISITING DAY arrived. It started early Sunday, and as hundreds of family and friends streamed in, the camp became even more packed than it ever had been. As the visitors arrived there were many exuberant shouts from campers who were overjoyed to see their parents and siblings. Still others were happy to see friends and former counselors and learning teachers come back to visit. Parents and siblings, Bubbys, Zeidys, Aunts, and Uncles. Campers running jubilantly in every direction. Ice cream being eaten like it’s going out of style. Counselors, Learning Teachers, and waiters are sought after for discussion and appreciation. Yup it’s Visiting Day.

Many of the families left camp for a while to go spend the day together, while others spent time together in canteen or the square. In addition to the excitement of visitors, there were several attractions set up for the campers. Campers shot hoops on the inflatable basketball court, while others were running an obstacle and rope course. There were many campers playing on the blow-up slides and moon-bounce, while still others were having amazing time trying out the rock-climbing.

All in all, there were many happy faces to be seen throughout visiting day, as campers and company spent time catching up, eating delicious food, and just having fun. As the day wound to a close, bunk houses were stocked and restocked with enough nosh for an army. Campers gave emotional goodbye hugs to their families and told them they want to stay for another month. Parents gradually made their way to the exit as the campers lined up for Mincha.