PHOTO: Eicha in Camp Gan Yisroel, NY
Friday, July 31, 2009
Cocoa Club Ad
– CGI @ 1:44 pm PST
Camper: Shaya Liberow
MBP Director: Shlomie Denberg
Written & Directed by: Zalman Kohn
Video Editing by: Levi Sharfstein
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Month In Review
– CGI @ 1:17 pm PST
Monday, July 27, 2009
Brand New Camp Gan Israel hat’s
– CGI @ 1:54 pm PST
Available now for $10
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
– CGI @ 10:05 pm PST
Dear Parents:
In light of the recent outbreak of the Swine Flu that is spreading in some of the bungalow colonies and camps in the Catskill Region, we strongly urge all parents and children who may have come in contact with the virus to refrain from coming to camp.
We strongly recommend that on visiting day, parents remain on camp grounds with their children, to prevent exposure or contact with the Flu. If you will be taking your children off camp grounds, please be cautious and do not take them to the bungalow colonies and camps that have had cases of the flu.
BH at present we have had no cases of the Swine Flu in our camp. We want to prevent any outbreak of the flu at our camp and are urging you to please assist us in maintaining and continuing a healthy and safe summer camp experience for your child and all our campers.
Rabbi J. Futerfas
Sunday, July 05, 2009
The voice of C.G.I.
– CGI @ 2:40 pm PST
Here we are trying to sit down for one minute to put down on paper all the exciting things that have happened since camp started and I just don’t know where to begin. I guess I might as well begin at the beginning which for me was as soon as the first camper set foot on camp grounds for this smashing summer of 5769. It was bright and early Tuesday morning and soon the shul was full for the opening speeches, dividing of the bunks, and then everyone was off to the hill to unpack their suitcases in their bunks. Already that night night activity director Zalmen Kohn aka “Shnoozy” had us in stiches from his hilarious games.
The next day was our first full day of camp and boy was it great (yes even a regular day in camp is packed with fun).
The next day started nice and early with the first coco club of the summer and from there, off to a day of davening, learning and great activities. Hey wait, where is the older division going? Great, we are off to a local park for some great sports on proffesional fields, and then it just gets better with a grand B.B.Q. for the whole entire camp.
Friday rolls in as just any other day but then preparation for Shabbos starts and what do you know, we even have time for a quick phone call home before bedside inspection.
Shabbos in camp is an experince that can’t be described, it must be lived, but nevertheless for the benefit of those parents whom have never been in camp I will try to describe the scene. Starting with the Erev Shabbos learning classs and the mincha we move into high gear for Kabbolas Shabbos with great singing and dancing by Lecha Dodi. The Friday night meal is not just full of great food but also great spirit as camper and counsler together sing songs slow then fast, hear stories of old and tales of today.
The next morning up we get up for Shachris like no other in the world, full of chayus as each child davens word for word from their siddur as if nothing else matters. Before Kriah we were lucky to have Rabbi Shemtov, the executive director of camp adress us. The Shabbos day meal is just as action packed as the meal from the night before only with new songs and inspiring Divre Torah.
Rest period, learning class and then Mishnayos Baal Peh all keep us moving. Seder niggunim and then Mincha and off to the dining room for shalosh seudos. “Shmayonki” is as funny as ever and then back to shul for Maariv. Things are wrapping up on Shabbos, and the winners for shabbos competition are … none other than bunks Beis, Zayin, Yud-Zayin and Chof-Daled. Well ah gutte voch and good night, I gotta go its almost light out.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
– CGI @ 4:38 pm PST
The Rebbe in his car during his visit to Gan Yisroel NY in the summer of 1957
Photo by: HaTomim Avrohom Reiss, special thanks to Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz
Camp schedule (camp time)
– CGI @ 11:29 am PST
7:00 Reveille (Mikveh times 7:00 – 8:00)
7:20 Clean up
7:40 Snacks
7:50 Lineup
8:05 Shacharis
8:15 Hodu
9:20 Breakfast
9:50 Bentching
10:00 Break (prepare for learning class)
10:05 Learning class begins
11:00 Recess
11:15 Resume Learning class
12:10 Snacks
12:15 Activity
1:20 Wash up
1:30 Line up for younger bunks
1:35 Line up for older bunks
1:40 Lunch
2:00 Bentching
2:10 Break
2:25 First afternoon activity
3:35 End of activity
3:40 Second afternoon activity
4:50 Snacks
5:05 Learning classes
6:05 End of learning class
6:10 Flag lowering
6:25 Mincha
6:55 Supper
7:35 Night activity
8:20 Maariv / Video
8:40 Dismissal
9:05 Lights out
4:50 Snacks
Over two dozen Jewish day and overnight camps from the New York area rented out Lake Compounce Family Theme Park in Connecticut. CGI Parksville-NY, Pre-Mesivta, Yeshivas Kayitz Cincinnati and CGI West Hartford were there along with Camp Bonim, Chevra and others.
Photos and video by TheCoolJew.com
Hundreds of family, friends and CGI Alumni were on hand Sunday for the 1st visiting day of the summer @ Camp Gan Yisroel, NY. B”H the weather was beautiful.
A camp sponsored carnival featuring a rock climbing wall and a number of inflatables were enoyed by campers and visitors alike. Meanwhile CGI’s canteen did a brisk business.
Camp caretaker Eric Taylor was busy all day long directing both vehicular and pedestrian traffic across the busy Old Route 17.
Visiting day for the first trip at Camp Gan Israel, Parksville New York.
Published: July 12 2009
CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, NY [CHI] — The Flu has spread to multiple sleep-away camps and bungalow colonies in upstate New York. Being that today, June 12th, is visiting day for many camps, certain precautions have been taken.
“We have isolated the remaining flu cases in our infirmary,” said the nurse at Camp Emunah, a Jewish sleep-away camp for girls. “We suggest that flu patients take Tamiflu, but that only shortens the duration of the flu. We are not distributing it to the entire camp… There is no preventative [measure to be taken].”
While parents have been discouraged from visiting Gan Israel New York, a sleep-away camp for Jewish boys located in Parksville, NY, Camp Emunah feels that it is “entirely up to parents’ discretion,” one administrator said. Although a few girls have left camp for the summer, Camp Emunah administration has taken steps to minimize flu exposure and feels that it is safe for families to visit with their daughters for visiting day.
An administrator at Gan Israel New York said that the camp is discouraging families from visiting their camp, which B”H has not been stricken by the outbreak, in order to minimize the risk of bringing the influenza to the campgrounds. They have also placed purifying soaps around camp.
The following is a letter that was posted on Camp Gan Israel, Parksville’s website:
Dear Parents:
In light of the recent outbreak of the Swine Flu that is spreading in some of the bungalow colonies and camps in the Catskill Region, we strongly urge all parents and children who may have come in contact with the virus to refrain from coming to camp.
We strongly recommend that on visiting day, parents remain on campgrounds with their children, to prevent exposure or contact with the Flu. If you will be taking your children off camp grounds, please be cautious and do not take them to the bungalow colonies and camps that have had cases of the flu.
BH at present we have had no cases of the Swine Flu in our camp. We want to prevent any outbreak of the flu at our camp and are urging you to please assist us in maintaining and continuing a healthy and safe summer camp experience for your child and all our campers.
Rabbi J. Futerfas
Published:July 12 2009
The first Lubavitch Camp Gan Israel in Parksville, NY, kicked off its 54th year this week with a full schedule of davening, learning, swimming, sports in a local park and a camp-wide barbecue. Adding to the inspirational song-filled Shabbos was an address by the director, Rabbi Avraham Shemtov.