Monday was topsy-turvy day! For one day, the campers replace the staff at their jobs. Yesterday, papers were given out to all the campers, with a list of available jobs, and spaces for signatures. In order to run, the candidate has to get signatures from fifty staff members, and fifty campers. Last night, each camper was given a ballot, with the names of all the candidates.
This morning, a list of the winners went up. The results were as follows.
Head counselors: Sruly Lipsyzc, Mendy Gopin and Shmuli Lisbon
Learning directors: Sholom Ber Wolberg, M. Neuwirth and M. Lerman.
General manager: S. Krinsky, Y. Sabol
Office manager: Benjy Pearson
Head lifeguard: Eli Hassan
Truck driver: Z. Brook
E.M.T.: Yossi Leshes
O.D.: S. Borisute
Shmais.com: M. Tenenbaum and Isaac Suffrin.
Van driver: Mendel Sherman
Head waiter: Yisroel New
Extracurricular activity director: Yossi Hershkop
Night activity director: Y. Katz
Program director: Mendel Giro
Canteen manager: Yankel Keevman
Mashgiach: Yitzchok Ostronsky
B.M.D. Head: Levi Sharfstein
Official copy button pusher: Shmuly Karjanski:
T+T incorporated: Shmulie Minkowitz and Mendel Seldowitz
Camp mother: Dovid Grossman
MBP director: Menachem Frank
Game room manager: Nachi Cohen
Executive director: Yankee Pearson
Computer room manager: W. Eilenberg
In addition, each counselor chose a camper in his bunk to be the counselor, and each learning teacher chose one student to teach the class for ten minutes.
Topsy-Turvy Day MBP Director Menachm Frank, following in his brother’s footsteps had 123 campers come to Cocoa Club this morning. If every member of a bunk came, then that bunk is entered into a raffle for stainless steel insulated mugs for the entire bunk
Tonight’s night activity was Talent Night! Topsy-Turvy Day Night Activity Director, Shaya Katz, did “an excellent job” according to N.A.D. Dovid Taub. Many campers displayed their talents on stage. Learning Teacher Yitzi Kleinman and his brother, Waiter Mashpia Shlomie Kleinman, put on an exciting juggling show. At one point, Shaya Katz showed his aptitude as a future night activity director when he poured water on a row of performers doing headstands simultaneously!