Sunday night was the overnight for bunks Yud-Daled through Chof-Hey. Bunks Aleph through Yud-Gimmel went on their overnight Monday night. Bunks Aleph through Daled camped out in “the Rebbe’s Forest,” a short walk from camp. The older bunks camped out further from camp.
Although the specific schedules varied from one bunk to another, the general schedule was as follows: When the campers arrived at their site, they unpacked their bags, and then went to collect wood for the bonfire. The bonfire was lit, and everyone ate a barbeque supper. As the night wore on, the campers sat around the bonfire and sang songs and heard stories from the staff members. Although they were not in camp, the next morning Cocoa Club was held, as usual. Over 85% of the campers at both overnights attended Cocoa Club! Everyone then davened Shachris, ate breakfast and packed up to return to camp.