One participant of the Older Division overnight described the overnight as “smooth” everything went according to schedule. (I’m sorry I have no more information. I wasn’t there.) Over seventy (out of eighty) campers attended Cocoa Club Thursday morning AT THE CAMP SITE! After going to sleep who knows when!
Thursday afternoon the Younger Division went on their overnight. Bunks Yud-Alef and up went to a site far from camp. Bunks Alef through Daled camped out at “The Rebbe’s Forest,” a five minute walk behind the soccer field. The site has a little brook and a nice pit, surrounded by rocks, for a bonfire. When they arrived they set up their sleeping bags, then set off to collect wood for the bonfire. As the fire burnt, they listened to stories from the various staff members who were there. Between the stories they sang songs and ate hot dogs. Then they davened Maariv and went to sleep. Friday morning they woke up and davened. After davening they had a breakfast of scrambled eggs fried on a grill. They then packed up and marched back to camp. In camp they had a special activity, Challah Baking! Each camper got to shape his own challah.
From every learning class one student, who had good grades, and behaved well, was selected to go on a special trip of bowling! Mazal Tov to all the winners, and keep up the good work!