Final preparations are currently underway @ Gan Yisroel, New York for the 28th annual Yarchei Kalla that will take place IYH this coming Shabbos & Motzei Shabbos Eikev.

The Yarchei Kalla was established in 1974 to mark the Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s father, HaRav HaGaon Levi Yitzchok Z”TL.

For the last 27 years the biggest Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos and Mashpi’im have come to participate in the Yarchei Kalla that the Rebbe was very fond of.

Some of the many Rabbonim that are scheduled to spend all or part of Yarchei Kalla in Gan Yisroel include: Rabbis’ Gavriel Zinner, Lipman Shapiro, Shimon Goldman, Mendel Lipskar, Yoel Kahan, Yisroel Friedman, Moshe Bogomilsky, Dovid Raskin, Shlomo Zarchi, Nachman Sudak, Shimon Lazaroff, Yisroel Shmotkin, G.M. Garelik, Elimelech Zwiebel, Dov Brisman, Moshe Tendler & Zelig Sharfstein.

This year Bochurim in Yeshivas Kayitz under the leadership of Rabbi Moshe Wolberg have undertaken a very ambitious Seder of learning in honor of the Yarchei Kalla and they will be tested by the distinguished guests during on Erev Shabbos.

In addition a Siyum will be conducted by one of the Bochurim as part of the Motzei Shabbos program.

The main session that will include a lavish Seudas Melava Malka will take place on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Ekev @ 10:00pm in the large air conditioned Shul of Gan Yisroel. Many Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshivos & Mashpi”im will address the crowd.

There will be a separate section for women.
For more info call 845-292-9307 or 845-292-9665